satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

Eh, the thing about fans is that they will be perpetually unhappy. If you add changes to a game, somebody will be angry that it's not like the previous game. If you make no changes to the mechanics and experience, then somebody will be angry that it's a cookie cutter sequel. I personally appreciated the fact that Dead

I hope so! That one thing— offline play— would make many many people feel like they didn't get ripped off when purchasing the game, and would be enough reason to reevaluate the game on its own merits rather than basing it on the quality of the online experience, I think.

Kudos to anybody who attempts to emulate Westwood, though. I mean look at the care and love Westwood put into every single map of every single Command & Conquer game they ever made. All the little details, like tiberium slowly spreading through the map if you let the map go long enough, years before they even hinted

From what my friend told me, it wasn't just about DRM, but there was and still is no way to actually mod anything and create custom assets because EA wants to retain that ability themselves— they released mod tools, but only allow people to make cosmetic adjustments. There's no way to play offline, so what happens if

EXACTLY what I was thinking— if you're not hearing the feedback you wanted, and if we don't want the game you're making, how about making the game we DO want? It wouldn't have cost them much at all to repurpose the project's assets and create a campaign-focused game instead of an online-only game whose entire focus

If you can tell me of some truly "free" games (not shitty freeware, either) then please do so, because I'd like to check those out.

But what exactly was unfun about it? I'm really curious, since I had a bad impression of the thing when it was announced a couple of years ago as free to play, and then was never heard from again until this cancellation. Did the animations seem crude, was the pathfinding AI terrible, was the base building a chore, was

There are plenty of F2P games with plot; I think the difference is how integrated the plot is with the missions or gametypes you're playing. For example, Spec Ops in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was fun for a couple of rounds, but I never really became enthusiastic about it because the mode felt like a rush to get

According to what one dude said in DocSeuss' thread, this guy was being interviewed for a position at Victory to help with monetization, but didn't really know what was pay-to-win and what wasn't. Hmmm.

Star Trek Online, Blacklight: Retribution, Warframe, RIFT, Dekaron would all like to have a talk with you.

Episodic campaign? That sounds pretty cool, in the context of a multiplayer focused f2p RTS like this. I guess Victory wouldn't have been shut down or had to say "We are not making the game you want to play," if they had simply promised a campaign when they unveiled the game, instead of proudly proclaiming it to be

Aw. Well, half the draw of a C&C game (aside from Generals) is the story and the campaign. That being said— this sounds about as crapulous as the "story" that made up the Command & Conquer: Generals campaign. Basic dreck. I just don't understand the draw in a constantly online, f2p real time strategy game. There's

The last SimCity game wasn't exactly a hallmark of high quality.

What was terrible about Dead Space 3 (besides the problem of simply not being scary enough, which is a problem I think could have been solved easily enough)?

This is a very similar reaction they got from Command & Conquer 4. They changed everything around, and made it into something very unlike the rest of the series.

If you have Red Alert 2 installed, I'm down to play some co op missions! Reinstalling it now, actually.

But I like the voxel art :( And all the easter eggs you could find on pretty much every single map!

idk, from what I've been seeing— they seem to making more awful products and decisions now that Riccitiello's gone.

Oh man. This was so disheartening to read, and it bewilders me. There must be something wrong with the management at EA, to turn down something like this. What are you doing now? Are you still in the biz? If not, please come back, we promise to treat you right this time.

There was a story? What was it?