
exactly…..whether they planned this (unlikely) or have just reacted to how rubbish Battleground was, this now seems like they are set to move Nakamura into the title picture (along with Corbin) and hopefully AJ gets some quality matches for the US title out of Tye, Zayn, Harper, etc

very true….until then they were on course for domination…..euh

the best kind of main event; unexpected, everyone involved on point, and provides numerous options for going forward…. and that sequence was almost as good as AJ's Phenomenal Forearm-RKO fake out

I kind like them just throwing Cen v Nakamura on TV with no build…..that match requires no build and it works better as a launch pad for the story rather than the climax……sometimes it's good to just get the guys in the ring and let them do their thing and with these two I trust them to deliver
Hopefully they do it with

the card is fantastic, but it seems like they are still trying to sort themselves out after the shakeup lost them Miz, Ambrose and a lot of their planned stories….
The redo with Styles winning and the hype they introduced his open challenge with shows you're right on Battleground being messy with the finish

i honestly think most Indians are Reigns fans, and no one cares about Jinder….
by the way, that Cena promo is everything he nails; arrogant, but playful and damn evoking of something….hate? love? whatever, he really gives that big fight feel to everything and in that brief moment he sold a Jinder Cena match….bravo sir….

even though it's not true, I kind of feel SDL has been deliberatley holding KO-AJ back a bit so they do exactly this and next week we get the real match between them (and it doesn't feel like they've overdone this feud at all) if anything…..the universe is gagging for it!!!

Now THAT is how you course correct SDL
Finally got its house in order; we now just need Rusev to feud with Tye and it's a perfect 10

The shakeup has clearly hurt SDL with the talent and also the writers….but that's what Vince must have wanted as RAW is finally firing!!!

I would say that it's countries that end in "ia" but there's a big exception to that rule apparently for Vince 😂


If they get to do it at WM then we as a universe win!!!

Imagine the pop if that happens and then as he celebrates his record, Corbin cashes in

I cannot even describe how well the Styles/Nakamura tease is being done; I am not sure my heart can take this being stretched out til Survivor Series or WM (i hope they get a Cena/Styles push over the course of a year with some side-feuds as well — if Corbin gets the WWE title imagine a long programme with the two of

while impossible, it would be great to give Rusev the win so he can reestablish himself as a dominant heel; Cena wouldn't be hurt by it and could then move into RAW for whatever

wasn't the issue that they moved it away from SDL just to force in 205? ratings are irrelevant in this day and age especially on a dedicated network….Vince is just clueless as to how to get anything over

For sure, Miz was the first to really use it as platform to deliver, but Corbin, Bliss, AJ and now Owens and Fashion Police are some of the best workers out there who were able to get over
Renee is an actual treasure and between this and her and Ambrose being on opposite brands I pray we don't lose her

I agree but would say leave CW in 205 and don't bother with it in the main shows; women and tag being isloated to one brand each works wonders for the divisions though

finger's crossed it's an NXT call up; but more likely it's just RAW being viewed as the A show (for some reason) and SDL have to make do

I would have loved a SHIELD reunion (around the time they teased it at Payback last year(?)) when all three were flying high
but right now it really just comes off as a desperate ploy to keep Ambrose and Rollins busy and relevant
The story beats of Rollins finally apologising, and to Ambrose who was clearly the one hurt