
very true, her NXT persona could work, but as we are def getting a WM Becky v Charlotte match I think keeping her face and having her put over some of the "greener" ( i say that more on main event status rather than age lol) superstars seems the best thing to do

oh for sure, she is booked horribly, but she is def the most over and has the talent to really bounce off any of these losses, which the others need more right now I guess…..I wanna see her and Charlotte go at it, but like the long drawn out story….Carmella is the best option at being champ and giving her something to

i think the problem is when you discuss Nakamura, Jericho, AJ, etc matches, anything that isn't their usual brilliance seems worse than it actually is
AJ i remember didn't have the most stellar of matches early in his WWE career, and he actually had a lot of help from Y2J early on…..whether its the performer getting

a) totally agree
b) totally agree
c) somewhat agree — the Mahal and Mojo stuff needs to go away ASAP but AJ v Ziggler was solid and I have all the time in the world for Nakamura and Owens (3-0????) Corbin needs some real work on the mic but i like they are sticking with him

pretty sure

you mean Handsome Rusev?

i wonder if they fare taking the Alexa route here and putting the title on "fresher" characters to help build them…..could work with Carmella or Lana I think, but surely Becky deserves her time??? maybe she works better as a chaser

very true; and while the stable/invasion angle has been done to death; he could breath some interesting life into it, and bring out the best in those stars you mentioned
I think Zayn, AJ, Nakamura, Tye would be great at uniting against the faction before WM season kicks in and we get the dream match of AJ v Nakamura

not a bad shout with Jacobs

I don't mind KO eating pins as he isn't being dominated; he would still retain I imagine at a PPV
Corbin and Nakamura would be a good feud but who would handle the promos?
Lana is and always will be super over but I hope they let her develop
Everything Breezango though :)

Respectfully disagree about the women's segment; it changed it up for the match not to start and actually descend into chaos; we've been needing this for a while and it allowed everyone to kick it up a gear
The Land Of Opportunity aspect still applies for me, and whilst it is weird for there to be a MITB women's match

they desperately need Ziggler to look like he belongs in this main event so they can afford to pin AJ as he is soooooo over it's kray-kray!

character wise; she is the most unique and has potential to heel it up to Alexa levels if given the chance

the division has actually developed quite well in their absence; not their fault, but yeah they were overhyped and booked too strong too early
now when they come back hopefully it is as their NXT selves


good point on the title scene; at least AJ, KO, Dean, etc move towards the IC/US title every now and then which opens up the possibilities….RAW really over does the same matches and combos. The triple threat and Reigns/Rollins should be what come OUT of the PPV not leading into it

I kind of give SD a pass because of where their main players are currently (story line) wise….you can't burn out Nakamura strait away with a title shot; AJ v Owens is gold and will only get better the more they grow to hate each other….
Breezango are the current highlight and probably best that they chase the title

i think it can go over if they stick with it and give him some decent screen time; Sandow and New Day got some really poor gimmicks over through sheer willpower

lol it certainly brings it to the fore……the next few entries proceeded to run with it….a quarter mile at a time :)

Winning's winning :)