
getting Dillinger and Roode up would be great, ideally Nakamura but we know he'll be ruined by going to Raw

why not? YOU DESERVE IT *clapclapclapclapclap*

Very true! I love the gimmick and think it can work as long as you run with it (like New Day or Mizdow) just look at how Jack Gallagher has done…. it's true it seems Gotch keeps getting them punished….I'm hoping the Ascension (who are being booked quite strongly) and Breezango (who the crowd love and are very good in

I thought immeadiately it was Mickie from the colouring and initial height/size but like you say it could be either.

Ahhh fair enough; not the best way to go but SD more than earns its choices so I'm in still

What an end to the year from WWE
The begging half of the year was so slow and boring it really is surprising to see how far SD has come

I concur it being the Phenomenal AJ Styles (who actually has become the face that runs the place from Cena) he's had the most MOTY candidates and his work at bringing out the best in Reigns and Ambrose only shows how key he is to the high SD is on right now.

agreed; not only have Styles v Cena had great matches, the story of Cena winning his 16th title, against AJ being AJ would be quality. I think Ambrose needs this feud with Miz to really become the top face again (which he sadly lost a bit through poor booking and being up against AJ). Miz can get anyone over and the

I really thought they'd go with Orton and Harper as the champs with Bray moving onto the title scene, but this is actually much more pleasing….Harper is solid in the ring and Styles really put him over on Talking Smack last week….i really wanna see them dominate like SHIELD used to

god i love this show! I keep thinknig back to the brand split and how worried I was for SD with RAW getting the top tier talent, but the writers have outdone themselves; Styles, Ambrose, Miz, Corbin, Bliss and Lynch have really shone

if only there was ONE WORD to describe them :)

exactly!!! Miz is seriously on top form and could probably even get Reigns overs (Edge had similar talents in pushing to faces over with the crowd, but Miz takes it to a whole new level)

it was exactly what it needed to be; and I loved it!!! Plus, if that's all it takes for Carmella's affections…….bring on AJ :)

Fair enough, to each their own….but damn is that woman on point!!!!

not the most attractive?????

That girls is damn fine in every way that matters; and some ways that don't

what a show!!! I think this was a great PPV as it closed out the storylines in 2016 and we can look forward to what the new year brings
The Wyatts got a huge pop and deservedly so as their first title reign was way overdue

I do think that post TLC there will be a reshuffle for storylines and feuds; as much as I love Ambrose, he's much better chasing the belt and being reckless to be a champ right now. Styles will retain and possibly move into a feud with Taker to Rumble and the winner of it facing Cena at WM
Ambrose for me should move

what a go home show!!

the show was mostly a waste again, except for that closing segment
It's so easy to forget how over Styles and Ambrose are, and even a wonder on the mic like Wyatt with a few words, can get a huge reaction. Again great use of Ellsworth and some really great storywork to look forward to in the match (Styles v Owens as