
Smith's talk must have been 3 minutes of frivolous pulp fun, followed by 2 minutes that were kind of boring, before just going stupidly off the rails for the final 5 minutes.

for what it's worth this is totally an American-Chinese coproduction, not a Chinese film that happens to have some white actors. It's financed by four companies: two from China, two from America. The cast is international and it has a Chinese director. But the writers are all from Hollywood, as are the major

I guess they don't call themselves "ghostbusters" for a while, but their decision to team up and capture ghosts—they pitch hiring Wiig to the guy who gives them the finger, then they try to rent a space—happens well before the "solid hour" mark.

i dunno man, they seem to become ghostbusters pretty quick in this movie, which is one thing i liked about it! most movies would have squeezed another 10 minutes from "Wiig struggles at Columbia." This movie got to the ghosts pretty quickly in my opinion.

YES! Thank you. I know it's minor, but it bothers me whenever I listen to the soundtrack.

wait, was there a tv show where burt reynolds played a professional bowler?

Yeah, this is almost exactly what I think. When Jon Stewart joined the show, he was an established name in his late 30s coming onto a show that was, at best, modestly successful. Stewart had been famous on some level for almost a decade, and had the clout to move the show in the direction he wanted. I love Jessica

She was insufferable a lot from the start, but she used to be insufferable in a way that made sense given her background and her struggles as she adapts to her new situation. Now she's been in prison for like a year, and they just make her insufferable so she can be comic relief. Again, I haven't seen this full season

I'm only halfway through the current season, but the writers have made Piper such a goofy caricature for the past couple seasons that it's probably easy to laugh off for the actual people involved. Any time she's on screen, you can practically hear the writers thinking "How can we really drive home to the audience

Yeah, it's a lame name that they're stuck with due to the source material. That said, I'm sure the title was pure gold to a publisher or literary agent in, like 2007.

eh, i get it, their first record came out 23 years ago. i mean, from a purely chronological standpoint, this is basically their steel wheels. Add that to the fact that their last album wasn't very well-received, i can imagine thom yorke feeling like their "relevant" days were behind them.

Kanye West has used ghostwriters and taken a collaborative approach to his verses, probably since the beginning, but particularly since 808s. I don't even mean this as a criticism; a cursory google search makes it clear it's part of how he works.

Yeah, I totally buy that it was right to remove those scenes from the movie for any number of reasons! I just objected to the weird assumptions of this write-up, which seem to be (a)"kids are unable to grapple with difficult topics" and (b)"films directed at children should be purely escapist money-making exercises."

your ideas are intriguing to me, and i wish to subscribe to your newsletter

I haven't seen Zootopia, but I'm somewhat baffled by the "won't someone think of the children?" tone here, along with the assumption that art for kids should be free of unpleasant things.

For some reason it's not made clear in this article, but the "Zoot Suit Riots" of 1943 were very much race riots singling out Mexicans and Mexican Americans. The description in this article is very lacking.

I just want to note that recasting the Hound's older brother with an actor who is clearly 15-20 years younger than the Hound, then having his (re-)introductory scene basically make him a henchman in a James Bond movie, is one of the dumbest things that happened on Game of Thrones.

This shitty write-up also misses his comments about the RRHOF needing to be more inclusive toward woman artists, as well as more supportive of music education programs. Miller also said that the whole thing was logistically a mess, that the RRHOF hadn't worked out any of its legal stuff with regards to the artists,

Haha, me too, at least until I left town to go to college. Also screw Mike Vanderbilt for saying Chicago has a claim on Cheap Trick! They're one of the only things we had in Rockford. You already took the Time Museum, Chicago! What else do you need?!

I grew up in Rockford in the 90s, and I feel like Cheap Trick was pretty beloved back then! The classic rock station played the hell out of them (even the the new stuff), and people seemed to talk about them with legitimate civic pride. More than one of my friends' dads had BS stories about jamming with them back in