Ari Bell-X1

Yeah, while Ill indeed believe OhGoodLord is a woman for now, I have almost never heard a woman who went through a traumatic event describe it in such purposefully shocking detail when using it as an example to win cred on an internet post. Sure its possible, its just not something any of the survivors I’ve talked w

Ah well considering she said the issues started when she was a teenager not college aged, it sounded more like she was afraid she was getting forceably erased and replaced.

But as others have said, Karen has now made the accuations and Karen has provided snippets of text with her talking about the evidence while

Yes. See I, and I bet many others, took your first comment as being fake worry about women because with a son who ignored her privacy by rummaging through her things and then broke the story for her, the first and seemingly only person that got your vitriol was the “jealous daughter.”
(Like for example Mooseballs who

Im curious, in your opinion why was the video so easy for her son to accidentally access and why did she copy text messages to her computer and keep them in the same file?

Oh IC.
So are you cool or not cool with her sons actions?
Now that she’s defended the statements is she also responsible?

To add to what I said, constantly treating everything as a battle is detrimental to your learning and growth. As soon as you attach your opinion or level of knowledge to winning then you inadvertently tie being wrong or mistaken to losing. Since everyone wants to win, and no one wants to feel like they are the loser,

Well then, perhaps you can explain the point to me?

Currently it seems that you are totally cool with her son removing her choice and exposing the existence of the video against her will.

Constantly assuming everyone is an opponent and dragging down conversations to a battle is a sign of needing to prove yourself to yourself and others. It’s a sign of insecurity not intelligence.

Some people visit places to learn and challenge their own ideas not to pwn the noobs or SJWs or whatever you want to call it.

What community was that, and did they add anything of value or just r/circlejerk?


I haven’t been paying attention to this so I just read the son’s facebook post and holy fucking shit dude! If you want to see some grade A ‘I’m so smart’ manipulation tactics, check out his post!

I fully know this thread isnt about me... so let me make it about me!
Me, me meeee!

And you sound like you have some issues about young people you need to process.

So? Her son may have started it, but she endorsed it and is running with it. She is now responsible. Also lol at the son. He was ‘trying to download something’ (10 internets says porn or torrents) and ‘clicked on a file’ which somehow gave

The snark in me says that if X Y and Z are men, keep going down the list, maybe into the greek alphabet to find a woman in the group and praise her, if you can’t find a woman in the group perhaps make a mental or verbal note about how the team would do better if they had a woman or two on board. Better yet, find a qual

It’s like the writer went down the list of textbook narcicism and said, “I’ll have two of everything please.

Trump only ever has one thing on his mind, praising Trump. Every tweet, every rally, every speech, every meeting. It could be a potentially unwinnable challenge to find a speech by Trump that doesn’t at some

Ya know what’s funny, I’m active on a forum that doesn’t have moderation but keeps things together specifically because people who ‘hate moderation’ in the way you do are almost always there to try and prove the forum is a bunch of hypocrites, but get angry and leave. At least a few have purposefully broken the few

This is either a brilliant performance art piece or a hilariously dunning kruger effect by a shitposter.

Jezebel: Omg arent the Kardashians just like the worst.
Also Jezebel: Who else wants to talk more about the Kardashians? We do!

We Hates It, We Loves it, We hates it, We loves it.
My precious clicks.

Im pretty sure knowing what youre talking about is just proof you’re a liberal elitist who hates america. Being an unrepentant moron is playing to their base.

Im reminded of a party I was at recently where a small group of us were drunkingly talking pop culture, and this one guy kept dismissing or argueing against what this random lady said, and then after I would repeat part of what she said to agree with her and want to hear more and he would suddenly agree with me.