Ari Bell-X1

Well the opposition wants me and my friends dead, controled and docile or in jail so yeah, there’s anger against them. Maybe if they would stop trying to kill us, we wouldn’t be angry.

Many people hate antifa because they’ve been told to hate antifa. Just like many believe both sides are equal because that’s what

You seem... Angry.
*Looks at name*
Well played sir, well played.

I can’t read minds, yet, so dont expect anyone to know anything about you besides the content of the post, nor expect people to look over every users comment history before questioning what they post.

On the other hand, if your online persona is to get into needless arguments with people because their lack of

Nah, the more we show there is a huge number of people, not just ‘antifa rioters’ the better. The harder it is for the media to make the left out to be just violent rioters to the right’s peaceful protests.

Frankly if you immediatly assume antifa is rioting, I’m disinclined to listen to your pleads that people not show

So if they won’t work with the group killing them, it’s their fault if they get beat or killed?
You seem to be suggesting that if they don’t ask permission from the police to protest the violent actions of the police, then its their fault if the police get violent.

Yes, they do come armed and ready for a fight, like I

Gee I wonder why protesters wouldn’t want to work with an organization that has consistently said it’s fine to attack and kill black people while protecting and defending racists in their midst. “Bring it all you fucking animals! Bring it!”- cops.
The cops consistently come armed and ready for a fight, while

Oh indeed, this was actually meant to be a reply to another post but Kinja went funny and replied to you instead.

If you were in a protest where the cops “went soft on protests” then it was because you were aligned with the cops. The cops certainly didn’t go light on BLM or Occupy or any large group of black or brown people.

The president has called for and praised violence against protestors, against black people, against

It could have something to do with our president inciting violence and egging on the violent among them while refusing to condemn murder. Remember all the “knock him down” “In my day we would take him outside” rhetoric he spewed. The ‘lock her up’ chants. The ‘maybe a 2nd amendment people will take them out Trump has

Im all for coopting language but since this is the darkest timeline you need to really go over the top and make it obvious to not sound like a neo nazi in disguise.

Yeah but BLM has the unamerican police hating views of not wanting to be shot. How are the cops even supposed to do their job if they cant execute people they dislike on the street.

Caption: Trump seen here in the middle of a rousing rendition of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

Obviously bigly men wear bigly clothes, how can you show youre the bigliest if you dont have the bigliest outfit.

It’s kinda like his douche handshake or gold covered everything, over compensation. He probably wants to be taller or more shapely than he is, so he put on a suit too large for him assuming that that makes

Headline: Nazi too cowardly to call herself a nazi says nazi things.

Eyebrows of a thorough bred.

The NYT did a nice short doc on it. Watch your favorite 80s news caster panic people about a non existent condition.

Indeed, I mentioned the difference in the other post I made. The point being though that moral panic is an ineffective way to get people help and causes its own problems. Piss tests are a pretty ineffective way to tell dangerous addiction vs general use vs testing mistake.
(Technically this article is about opiates of

Well it’s not “what happens inside their own bodies.” It’s what happens when they put drugs into their body that can endanger that child for life or kill them in the womb.

So this is a reminder that Crack Babies never existed, it was all fake. That whole giant crack babies epidemic we had in the 80s and 90s, totally made up, not a real thing at all.

Now we’re talking about opiates and opiates are different than crack that is true, but the complete non existence of crack babies didn’t

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