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    oh, i misremembered. there goes my theory then.

    maybe something about how the first time jughead ate a burger was in southside where he was regarded as a prince or something?? i wondered too

    maybe something about how the first time jughead ate a burger was in southside where he was regarded as a prince or something?? i wondered too

    Those are my feelings exactly. The - as you put it - 'no it isn't! yes it is! no it isn't!' dragged on for faaaaaaaaar too long in my opinion. I was on the brink of stopping watching the show until Tyrell came back or something.

    If this is his last show (for a while, at least) as his latest social media posts seem point out, at least he went out with a bang. What a show. What an artist.

    Probably better, but also probably facing more criticism for not being a big Civil War.

    The impression I got hasn't changed much after a couple more watches, but yeah, point taken.

    The focus there was hardly on the dating, but rather on their friendship.

    I agree, and I think the decisions themselves were in character. But I missed a buildup to those decisions and specially for her siding against Steve after what happened with SHIELD. The theory was okay, even though I liked their friendship intact like on TWS, but the execution felt flawed.

    The first thing that came to mind with Natasha's line was the comics canon ship (which I strongly dislike), but I don't think they can squeeze that in the films at this point. So I don't know if it's what you're saying or their other fights (the one with the bullet or the ones in Winter Soldier).

    It felt like the only sole reason that plot existed, which bothered me. TWS didn't have a love storyline and it was greater because of it.

    3) I went through the same thing. One of the most intense moments of the night.

    I'm pretty sure he's gonna die in Infinity War part 1, if that's worth anything. Through the movie I wondered if he was going to die, but I figured in the end they weren't finished with him yet. It was worth keeping him alive just for his dropping-the-shield-and-saving-Bucky scene. But by next movie his arc is pretty

    I'm with you. I think this ended up being too good a movie to be Avengers (which have so far been kind of formulaic and predictable, though Loki was one of the better villains so far), but they featured all the others way more than I'd like. I was disappointed when they announced the full cast, especially since I'm

    For me the movie suffered with two main things: the overflow of characters and the Steve/Sharon useless part (which I kind of forgave just for the wingmen's grins, but not totally). I thought the set-up in TWS was perfect - Steve, Sam and Natasha, besides Bucky as the villain-but-not-really - so now this was just too

    Yeah, I was pretty annoyed by the Keating 5 this episode, even though I know that logically they're all very in character. It wasn't so much that I didn't see why they didn't buy it, because I do think a little scepticism is reasonable considering how quickly she turned on Sam and Nate and how often she does illicit

    I'm of the opposite opinion, actually. Not going to start ship wars, obviously, but I just didn't 'feel' it. It started too suddenly and there were ages before they even spoke and by then we're supposed to believe they're already in love? I might have liked it if it didn't feel so much like 'love at first sight'. I

    'Especially now that Rebecca is out' is the key phrase there. She dragged the show down, unfortunately.

    I always had mixed feelings about Rebecca. I wanted to like her, but the performance just never felt right for me. The writers made the right call to off her, and I'm certain reviews like this encouraged them to do it. It surprised me a lot, and the last scene was brilliant, at least for me. I was left very, very

    I think the highlight of the episode, for me at least, was Svetlana. I really enjoy her character, though I'm not sure if I still will when inevitably Ian goes into the depressive stage. And I didn't actually find her breastfeeding someone else's weird baby at all - I'd say it's actually more common than you think.