
Anyone going into the film is likely familiar with Jokers of yore: Jack Nicholson’s dancing and campy gangster, Heath Ledger’s cunning and truly brilliant criminal mastermind, and whatever Jared Leto was trying to do​ in Suicide Squad​.

Don’t you have more important things to do? Like throwing bananas at black soccer players?

you know I cant say this enough but ‘ fuck Peta’ .

Hastily marked up, but if that wheel is 25" tall, the load floor is 30"+ off the ground. I think the sedan has a larger trunk opening. 

Jerry Jones must be the physical embodiment of wokeness by that standard.

Historically, appeasement has never worked.

I banned Papa John’s from the house after eating my first slice of Papa John’s. 

“Papa John Has Regrets.”

Just a reminder that DA Vance is a crooked politician who covered for Weinstein when the police had him dead to rights, on tape. He refused to prosecute. The only reason he hopped out of Weinstein’s pocket is the public pressure got to loud. All he’s doing is covering his ass.