
aww don’t get to technical on them. people having watched a fictional szene always know how they could have done it better. just accept that they know a lot more about life than those low intellect tv show characters

are you talking about rickon? because he was like 5 in the first book about hmmm 6 years ago... which would make him 11

you will be ashamed of yourself once you find out the true reason as to why he isn’t naked the entire time

are you sure you’re talking about odin and not gilgamesh, because odin would always use zantetzuken. he literally couldnt do any other attack than that. also if you ever replay the game, diablos gets the No Encounter ability. if you keep that on for a long time and walk around in areas where you normaly would get

very astute observation, you are ofcourse right. especially from a marketing/financial standpoint.
sure you don’t need to reinvent the wheel but some tweaks can go a long way and i dont think having new player names and commentators is comparable to say the difference in junctioning stocked magic and equipping materia.

hmm cant really argue with that. the 13 games are vastly different especially when it comes to the battle systems. but i thought it was a much needed change, as i feel i have seen more than enough ATB bars fill up and selected enough actions out of menue that looks like

yeah really^^ in the game it doesnt feel so over the top because theirs hardly any movement during the battles. yes omnislash is a super fancy jumping attack but its not like clouds running up walls vertically and stuff but i get your point. the summons i always thought were more of a mental thing like sephys

do it if you find the time and motivation. i’ve hear this from a couple of friends as well. they felt punished for ideling around and exploring and i gotta say its a fair view on the matter.

thank you that was a very good counterargument. but i feel the story itself off ff13 is very interessting. the problem i have with it is how its told and the paceing.... the godawful pacing :(

higher production values: are you kidding me? have you seen anything from the 13 trillogy? it looks very pretty, the music might be strange at times but from a production value standpoint its definatly good at least, VA was done quite well (inspite of completly unfounded and wrongly interpreted cricism towards lights

there was an article here on kotaku about the “Final Fantasy Desease” i think you and Boryoku might have it.

you’ve missed out on two great games then. story IS a mess thats true but XIII-2 made the battlesystem really fun, added in some cool new places, had a fantastic villain with a superb voice actor and had a bunch of sidequests.
LR or 13-3 redid the battlemechanics but to me that new battle system was great. it also

for me LR or 13-3 retroactively justified everything for me xD i really liked that game and i loved the ending. i am at total peace with the 13 trillogy now xD

just imagine, before ffx we had to read ALL of the story, not from the menue granted but still

it depends how you look at it. i was a kid during the times of ff7 - ffx and a teen when ff12 hit. turned 20 around the time 13 was released and i gotta say i had a lot of fun with FF13-2 and a friggin blast with 13-3.

no its not, i’m a fan of FF and FF7 yet advent children was a huge dissapointement. a silly excuse to have FF7 chars fight dragonball-esque fights.

according to this logic there’s abolutely nothing wrong with the CoD and FIFA franchise, i hope you’ve never trashed one of theese games for releasing the same games over and over again ;)

thats your point of view, i think ff x-2 was very good as well. super girly sure, a nightmare for completionists like myself sure, but by no means a bad game. neither was 12 in my opinion. i liked the world, the characters, the voice acting, the graphical style and once i really got my head wrapped around it the

were they ever though? yeah as far as i know fallout is insanely popular... i don’t understand it, i played like 2/3rds of fallout 3s main story and did some sidequests... i think its the most boring and unappealing wester rpg i have ever played

jup while i think FF8 has a supberb power up system that allows for so many different playstyles. ur time not worth anything? sure go grind out drawing spells. u want a challange? easily level up to 100 on disc one and enjoy the way tougher enemies. want an interessting run? try a low level run. want to be toatlly OP?