
Stupid lawsuit. Just a few guys trying to make a buck and pissed that their expensive toy is dwarfed by the new model of the year, P100. People like this take advantage of the legal system. They should file lawsuits about social injustice or banks cheating customers, this is crap

I wanted every game to be close. Unfortunately it’s clear to see now that OKC at home will be bailed out by the refs. They shot like a million free throws in games 3-4 on their home court. No opponent can win when refs call the game one-sided and let the home team shoot 80 free throws in two games. Not even the

OKC lost because their home court refs didn’t bail them out with free throws. What did they shoot like 80+ free throws in their two home games? That's really bad reffing. Especially because they weren't going both ways. Warriors only got free throws when OKC hacked Ezelee on purpose.

Refs kept bogut out of the OKC home games. Kept callings fouls on nothing.

It’s a shame. All of these games should have been closed but OKC refs were so lopsided. Now I understand how they beat the Spurs. They are a good team, but the refs helped them so much. Looks at game 4 at halftime. They had like 15 more free throws than the Warriors despite hacking ezele on purpose. And every warrior