
I'd like to say a bit and ask a bit. Reading the first paragraph, my snap-decision reaction to the situation is, politely end the interview/conversation. And I realize that you, as a journalist in "the industry" cannot (or really, should not) in good conscience do that. My questions are, was that also your reaction,

One of my absolute favorites as well. I would add though, to your recommendation of the bundled edition that while it is the most convenient way to get at it now, it does run at 30fps while the original GCN version runs at what I would assume to be 60fps. Just a footnote really, but it just looks inferior to the

"that good"

I agree with this and would like to add, cross save support if such a thing exists.

DUDE. If someone could find and post the review that sessler and morgan did for this on Xplay, I would be eternally grateful. I can't find it anywhere, and it is the best thing ever. TELL ME ABOUT THE RABBITS.

All great points, and I would tend to agree with you if those extra scenes didn't seem as though they were shoehorned in to make snake look more Dante-esque than anything else.

You kinda had me until you revealed that your knowledge of the game is based on the Twin Snakes version. Self-defeat.

7...7 looks almost like a...Z..hmm..

People voted with their wallets. If there was no market for it, what do you think the outcome would have been?

Thanks for saying this. I can't reasonably justify spending $35 on a poster. A beautiful, amazing take on a classic that I love - but still a poster. There needs to be a steam equivalent for posters.

SO true. Give me my HD PS2 Remake of Spoodermin pls

I find that I had to scroll down way to much to find this, especially since I was looking for it. Good job sir.

Does anyone else who's played/finished the game absolutely hate Alucard's modern day armor/look? And his voice a little. And how he says "Alucard" a lot. Just the way he stands during the mirror sequences irritates me.
Also, Satan needs to lay off the supplements.

Man, there are some real horror stories out there about Razer's hardware failure rate. Despite this I still bought a blackwidow ultimate second hand, cleaned it up and it's still ticking away 6 months on. And it's the blue backlit version.

Please tell me what this is from. Please.

Battlefield 4:Blood Dragon

Oooh this ought to be nice and divisive. Gonna grab some popcorn! Also, I just bought a brand new-ish GTX 690 off of kijiji so I'm quite happy with that.

Edit: Found what I was looking for.

Does anyone know anywhere in Canada where they serve waffle fries? I know you can find them in the supermarkets/Costco but is there any place that has em on the menu?

wait so, bad things happening to bad people and good things happening to good peiple would be realistic? I want live where you live.