First time I've seen anyone say this. I think it was way overhyped, even though it looked to be awsome. I got bored after a few hours with it and never bothered to continue.
First time I've seen anyone say this. I think it was way overhyped, even though it looked to be awsome. I got bored after a few hours with it and never bothered to continue.
This doesn't work for Canada! MAN I want those Bioshock and F.E.A.R. bundles!!
I have a quick question about the bundles on gmg. I have BL2 already. I wanna buy it for a friend, can I buy the bundle, gift him the Bl2, and hang on to the rest?
Why has this pic not yet been Photoshopped to be black lantern
You bite your tongue.
What's the verdict on this? Never played any KH, and never felt the appeal, but seeing an all in one collection in HD, kinda piques my interest a bit. Help?
Please Kaz just give us .mkv support. And .srt support. Please?
Got mine christmas of '98..loved the thing, but games and accessories were so expensive where I lived that by the time I finally had extra controls, a multitap and friends, my mom got angry for something, seized it and took it into work so I couldn't play it - where it was promptly stolen the next day. Everything. On…
For a post like this sir, I think you should be more than a little glad what you described is not (as yet) possible.
I wish this would be joker's laugh
iPad can't do .avi by itself (I think I'm right but I'm not 100%, I just use VLC on mine)
"Saldanha clearly had other issues that drove her to commit suicide"
Where's Raticate? Also, it says he hasn't caught a steel or psychic, but dark isn't listed. Does one of his pokemon have secondary dark typing?
Day one DLC? No? OK then.
I have a seagate freeagent pro 500gb usb hard drive that failed after a short drop. Will any of these methods work? Or can is there something else I can do?
Sorry, but where is the "Smackdown" aspect of this? Really now, how exactly did this title seem like a good choice? The dude was really lucky to have found the guy, using some sense...same can't be said of this article title :/
PS3's been around alot longer than I remember! 1995? Daaaamn
How about Woman/Girl living in the past?