Arili O

honestly, I really liked Logan by the end of the original series - in the last several episodes he really got his shit together.

Yes, because all LGBT relationships are drama free and no gay people are attention seekers. Those are 100% straight people things.

You just reminded me of a gal who posted that nonsense meme/story about the husband who was drifting away from his wife & wants a divorce but she asks him to carry her over the threshold every day and then he realizes that he still loves her and then she dies because she of course has cancer.

That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.

As awful as this is, my heart is breaking for Gary. Sitting there waiting for Mom to come home.

And she died drowned in moonlight...strangled by her own bra.

No, but Mariah and Beyoncé had a say in whether or not they did those performances, this decision was made for the rockettes. Further, as another poster pointed out, they wouldn’t exactly not perform just because Trump was in their audience, but that is very different than performing at the man’s inauguration,

I agree, and it sucks, and I feel bad for them. But I wouldn’t push any of them to object by not attending, either, because I wouldn’t want anyone to lose their job. And you can’t even say hey, get a different job, because theirs is kinda unique.

Besides Aretha Franklin performing at Barack Obama’s in that fucking amazing hat?

Exactly. This isn’t “a job”...this isn’t me dropping off extra white sauce to a table where a dude called me honey and keeps talking about “the illegals”...this is getting publicly involved with the propoganda machine upholding the legitimacy of a demagogue.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. Surely the outraged people of America can fund enough legal fees for a dozen women to take the stage and spend as much time as possible giving a litany of Trump offenses on live tv before being dragged off stage.

This. They’re not going to stop dancing because Trump is in the audience at Radio City. They’re unhappy to be used as a political prop honoring someone who has sexually assaulted and bragged he “can do whatever he likes” with people like them.

For the expert level fuckwits who keep commenting on this, saying stupid shit like “they can quit” and “contracts!” You are missing the point. These women have publicly stated they do not want to perform under these circumstances and are publicly being told they must. This is, as I said, not a good look.

No way, go and love it! Then stick around after when they are signing knick-knacks from the gift shop and tell them you support their right to choose who they perform for and that they don’t have to be propaganda tools. That the PUBLIC supports their rights, but also if they are going to quit wait until the day before

My favorite part of Trump not being able to book anyone is his tweet about “I don’t want any A list celebrities to come!” Do you think he realizes that he tacitly told the bums who are actually willing to perform for him that they’re bums! “I don’t want popular, famous people! These losers are good enough!”

“Forcing dozens of women to go and perform for this man is without a question going to be problematic.”

I respond just like your mother when people ask me if I think my short hair drives away potential boyfriends. 1. It’s my fucking hair 2. I don’t wear it short to attract (or repel) men, I LIKE it short right now 3. It’s hair, it grows back, and I’ve worn it all sorts of lengths 4. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU, it’s my head

I remember someone asking (mentioning?) if my father would like it if my mother cut her hair really short. I think her answer contained several cuss words and the phrase “IT’S MY HAIR!”

I considered one of my (long ago) exes a fairly enlightened person and he definitely is but he also refused to see the similarity between me disliking his beard and him disliking unshaved legs. He was like, “I wouldn’t tell you that you had to shave them but I wouldn’t like it.” And I was like, “that’s exactly my

Ever since I got a bunion from wearing some cheap, stupid high heeled Fergie brand boots in 2011 (yes, from a shoe line by Fergie Black Eyed Pea Fergie) I have sworn off high heels. I now wear handmade oxfords (nurse shoes) and I’m 39. I also wore this same style when I was 22 and everyone made fun of me. My feet are