Arili O

My inner raging feminist feels the need to point out here that marrying Donald doesn’t mean she owes us four years of unpaid labor as America’s hostess.

NDA’s should be against the law in this case. Trump is no longer the CEO of a private company. He is the employee of 320 million people. Please tell me this violates some form of the Freedom of Information Act. If it doesn’t, someone needs to fucking get on that. The transition and everything that follows is part of

i would tend to agree with you. just be good to other humans because it is the right thing to do. it’s easier to be “good” if you think you are getting something out of it.

In fact, I would posit that in general atheists have a more moral/ethical world view than the general population.

Sooooo much this. People are so freaked out about Atheists not having any morals, but that hasn’t stopped religious people from being assholes for over a millennium!

It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.

What can be done to combat this kind of thinking? I have immediate family members that just flatly refuse to grapple with facts-- when they’re confronted with them, they just say, “I don’t believe that”. It feels like democracy hangs on us figuring out a way to bring these people back into the realm of reality, but I

I forgot you lived in Florida. I hope you understand that I love you personally, but that state is dead to me now.

Cats are unreliable in this area. Oh sure, they have claws and teeth, but they also have a propensity for thinking a searing side-eye and derisive tail flick is enough. That’s a little subtle for your average fauxrage reporter.

Oh my god, if this dude would have pulled out a gun and told Watters to get off of his property, that would have been the best thing I’ve ever seen. There’s at least a 48% chance that Watters would’ve pissed himself.

Obviously you have never been to New York. He could have stripped naked taken the bucket painted himself gold and danced away to goldmember and noone on the street would have batted an eyelash.

Well, Internet bullying is her pet cause and I guess she’s diving right in.

Yeah holy fuck this woman is pure evil. Fuck her.

Okay I know, anyone can sue over anything.

A logical reading of the Proverbs 31 passage should lead you to conclude that the woman mentioned spent a good deal of time working and conducting business outside the home, unless you believe that she somehow bought and worked fields and traded with merchants from inside the comfort of her home. You’re reading your

And again, multiple people addressed the fact that this is an edited television show. She is clearly not at remodeled houses every night. Even if she were, does the Bible not tell fathers to love and care for their children? God made the ultimate sacrifice of His own son. You don’t think Chip can get takeout for his

“I do not have a new message here. I always say to repent, pray, and stay in the word. That’s because this is what Jess says to do.” (last paragraph)

My (now non-religious) partner was raised in an evangelical household, but with parents and a minister who took actual Bible study seriously. So he knows the Bible and its contents very well and he gets incredibly frustrated with the modern evangelical movement and their wanton ignorance about the Bible.

I don’t know Joanna Gaines any better than you do, but I do know Proverbs 31 and she strikes me as the personification of the verses about the hardworking and virtuous wife.

The bible says in several places that women should stfu. Which is one of the reasons why I don’t do religion, but she seems into it so why doesn’t she stfu?