Arili O

I live in Colorado Springs, which is fairly, um, devout I guess. There are skeptics and freethinkers groups, but they're not really tailored for families. Other than city-organized events or school activities there isn't a lot I can take my kids to do on a regular basis with other families like we could if we belonged

That is such a gross generalization. I can totally go for AT LEAST, I dunno, two or three conversations before talking about my nontheism. Cmon now. But seriously, painting a whole demographic a certain way simply because you've met one or two people who seem to be on-topic is unfair and even bigoted.

I honestly think that one of the barriers to "coming out" as atheist is the loss of community that people enjoy within their church groups. Atheists have fewer avenues of community socialization. I was (and still am) deeply concerned about that as it relates to my kids.

I don't understand why you think atheists should be "intellectually humble." Studies have shown that a higher percentage of well-educated people are atheists, and those with more post-secondary education tend to converse in a manner that is not what I'd consider "humble" on a variety of topics. Why should non-theistic

It's funny how often I've been labeled as an extremist in my views simply because I am matter-of-fact about my atheism. It's like using the term "atheist" is completely unacceptable and shocking - we're supposed to employ euphemisms, sort of how like you couldn't mention pregnancy on television in the 60s.

I have a coworker who has made it his mission in life to literally shout "HAVE A BLESSED DAY!" at me every. Time. He sees me. This is in spite of the fact that I have asked him repeatedly to not do so, and that I've complained to our owner about workplace harassment. (This isn't the only thing he does, so it's not as

"... if my siblings' kids were raised atheist, I'd worry for their mental health when tragedy inevitably strikes." I can't speak for all atheist parents, but the coping tools I try to give my children include the following: the realization that life is finite and therefore every experience is precious, the idea that

"Most of the time, I feel like my atheism isn't taken seriously by people who feel differently." Hear, hear! This drives me bananas. My worldview is so often dismissed as 'a phase,' or a 'false view' or whatever ... but let me accidentally refer to any current religion as a mythology and man oh man will I get chewed

My family isn't "lost" at all! I have three wonderful children that I am raising. They are polite, intelligent, neat, well-spoken, and they are atheists, just like Mom. They ALSO have a sense of cultural inheritance as Americans and as children of (primarily) Irish descent. If someone seems "lost" to you maybe it's

Plenty of women, myself included, play "real" games (what a dumb fucking term, btw, since we're talking about GAMING here, they're all real games in the sense that they entertain) including RPGs, FPSs, MMOs, RTSs, and Grand Strat games. In fact, as I'm typing this I'm waiting on my turn in a multiplayer Age of Wonders

I realize that you're worked up since everyone and their brother (or sister. Whatever) is on your ass, but you're being awfully snippy with me and I don't know why since I actually don't disagree with some of the things you're saying. Why are you so hostile to me? Is it just that the billion comments are running

You're a judgmental bitch.

Not even the point. If I changed my sentence to read "in some locations ..." then I would be saying the exact same thing. Since I AM American, and since state laws vary widely on many issues, my verbage was appropriate.

I don't think that letting my kids sit in the car for 3 minutes while I run in and pay for gas or whatever is necessarily stupid. The risk of anything happening to them while I'm inside a convenience store just on the other side of the plate-glass door is totally acceptable to me.

You "roll the dice" on your child's life every day. Every time you put your child in the car and drive somewhere, you're weighing the risk of an accident. Every time you feed your child a new food, you're taking the chance she/he isn't deadly allergic. Every time you take your kid to the park, you're weighing the risk

What's wrong with a first-grader walking to school?

This person's hysteria reminds me of the reactions of people when my (then)husband and I decided to birth our youngest child at home (with safety precautions and education). Some people seem to think that ANY risk is unacceptable for ANY family even if that family is not their own. It would blow this person's mind to

In some states there is no required minimum age for leaving one's children at home without supervision (like Colorado, for example). While someone could call CPS, theoretically, and the agency could choose to visit, theoretically, a parent is not breaking the law as long as his/her children are at home and not

Hey, you sound like my ex! Only he lives on the south end of town in my old house. lol Don't worry, there are some of us around here. :)

Technically a "whore" is a person who has sex in exchange for goods, services, or money. An apt synonym would be "prostitute." Are you saying that women from fundamentalist Christian backgrounds typically turn to prostitution in college? That is quite the assumption. (Remember kids, words MEAN things!)