Arili O

That's so awesome! I will borrow this idea for my own kids, if you don't mind. Good for your dad.

I live here in the Springs and I definitely recognized the background. While the local pledge thing doesn't surprise me one bit, it still makes me sad. I'm a fairly liberal atheist (single) mother, so I kind of stick out like a sore thumb around here. But hey, the scenery's gorgeous.

This is the only portrait I've seen that doesn't feature some disturbingly intimate imagery. Why are all the other girls posed with their fathers as if they are couples?

I know exactly how you feel! I visited Heidelberg Palace one weekend with my husband and it was just ... magical. (And we're not even talking about a gigantic or super-fancy site, as castles go.) We must have taken about 300 photos, but the best part is that if I stop for a moment and think about it, I can capture the

This is the face of my overlord.

omg Ian Somerhalder. Literally the only reason I stuck with at least two of the (far too many) seasons of LOST.

Does your icemaker have a water filter? If your icemaker/water dispenser has a filter, replacing it may do the trick.

Apparently roaches like the interior of electronic devices. Periodically a computer tech will post a particularly gross example on Imgur for the world to enjoy. Personally I would consign that fucker to the dumpster, STAT. You do not need a microwave ... and do you *really* want anything cooked in a device that is

Actually, I took my 3 kids out to a buffet tonight and was telling my 8 year old all about how brussels sprouts grow (while shoveling them in my face, of course). He had a grand time peeling some open and cutting them to look at the central stalk

I'm more into the "friend on FB and sit back with popcorn" routine. She knew what she was getting already.

This made me full-on belly laugh. Totally how I feel about the situation too.

THANK YOU. My kids all got scratched a time or two and it helped teach them how to responsibly handle our pets. This is what Neosporin and band-aids are for, and sometimes kids have more respect when they realize a living creature has limits.

Yeah, it was clearly just a warning to the baby, cat-style, to cut it out. That cat didn't seem like some kind of crazy wild thing in the news video or anything.

I'm fairly certain you missed my point, so let me reiterate. He should not have ever, ever, EVER let that cat and baby get together. Yes, I made that into a Taylor Swift line, you're welcome. It wasn't a cat off the street, it was a family pet and it shouldn't have been close enough for the baby to use as a pull toy.

I'm betting this poor cat is the target of systematic abuse. That baby barely got a scratch on its head and yet the dude boots it in the ass hard enough to cause it to go into full-on attack cat mode. >.<

I find it really sad how people have been going on and on about how the guy did the right thing, etc, and the cat "mauled" this baby or whatever else. Here's a thought: If you're going to own a cat and be a parent (like myself), why not supervise your child around your animals? When my kids were infants they weren't

It IS bad behavior because this kid was told NO by his mother and he continues to try to talk over her and get his way. I for one parent my kids and I listen to their wants and needs, but once I say NO to random untimely requests for cupcakes, discussion is OVER. They can revisit the issue after dinner and respect for

Right? As long as I'm the one bringing home the stuff and making the cupcakes, my word is LAW on the topic. My kids wouldn't so much as moan in complaint if I said no cupcakes. This dude is a bratling in the making.

Eh. Most of us had that one stupid S.O. that we couldn't get out of our systems even when our friends were like, "dude, wtf are you doing." Poor Selena's just doing it in the public eye. She'll learn.

I think that pretty much anyone up to Paris Hilton would be T-Swift's "poor friend" with what that woman earns. Say what you will about talent or whatever, but DAMN she's raking in the dough.