Arili O

Hah. Jr. High ... I was so painfully shy that I didn't say two words to anyone EVER in Jr. High. Intentionally broke that streak first thing in high school by forcing myself to be a loudmouth idiot starting in band camp that year. I don't think any of my current friends would recognize my 12 year old self.

What, because she's a nude model, then it's not sexual assault? Shut the fuck up and get out of here. You're an asshole.

Whenever I share the story of my youngest child's birth (at home) I'm amazed all over again at the attitude of fear and ignorance surrounding home births. People who would NEVER venture an uninformed opinion on another medical topic as if it is the be-all, end-all, have no issues at all telling a mother how horrible

I had my youngest child at home and just used these plastic-backed pads under everything, along with a sheet I fully intended to toss afterward. No mess, no fuss, fold everything and put it in bags for disposal. Easy.

I had my youngest child at home and I'm not anti-vaccination, thank you very much.

I'm kind of desensitized to the "females" thing because my ex husband was in the Army at one point, and we still live in a military town. Most of the time women are referred to as "females" in military parlance ... but when I hear it combined with "men" for the opposite gender I lose my shit.

Pfft. I did it last year BEFORE it was cool!

This .... this is satirical, right? I can't see how anyone would sincerely insult a person for being "over educated" and advocate faith over proven facts.

Well hopefully most of us will agree that death will probably be worse.

Childbirth isn't so bad. I mean, it's not like, AWESOME or anything, but it's not really that bad. 10/10 would do again. (I have 3 already.)

Trust me, the cat would love to watch the hamster. lol. Just make sure they don't get to .. um, mouth cuddle. You guys might try arranging a time to visit a breeder to see if a particular breed makes you miserable or not right off the bat. That's a good way to eliminate some options quickly since most breeders have a

Have you considered a Sphinx? They don't have the outer guard hair fur, which is what most people are allergic to. I think some of the Rexes may be missing that guard fur too.

figuratively* dying

Gaga looks like a Barbie here. A Collector's Edition future princess Barbie from my childhood dreams. And I love it.

Your mother is nuts, sorry but she is. That hair looks great.

Yes please.

I find it very interesting that you're anti-feminist, uninterested in women with their own agency in life, don't believe that everyone should hold "equal political rights" (as stated in another comment thread I saw you posting on), avowedly patriarchal in your attitudes toward relationships, and yet you feel perfectly

You know, the thing about all of this is that our children figure that stuff out. Even if one is scrupulous about refraining from negative comments about a parent who doesn't put their children's interests first, when the kids are older they will see it. My "good" ex (and his girlfriend) are awesome with all of the

I would have a hard time being in that mediator's position. I would be tempted to say things like, "hey, you had a child with her, didn't you think that raising this child was going to cost you money as well as time regardless of your relationship with the other parent?" Again, BLAHHHHHH.

Oooh, a librarian? Are you single? :D