Arili O

Agreed. One of my two exes is fabulous and voluntarily sends nearly double his required amount monthly, because he's gone from being in the military to having a high-paying civilian tech job. No court necessary, he's just doing his part. My other ex, though ... He once tried to tell me that he wasn't "giving" me his

You're, uh, supposed to clean those? Shit.

Have you tried soaking it in ammonia? Put it in a sealed container for an hour or so with ammonia to cover (seal it, don't want those fumes out). Then everything should come off pretty easily. That's how my bf and I clean our stove's drip pans.

It is very frustrating to me as a divorced parent to hear people rationalize that custodial parents should account for the use of their child support funds. Here's the deal people; child support is not a payment TO the child. It is a payment to the custodial parent to support the type of life that child would have if

I'm tempted to google the phrase myself now. Thanks, thanks so much for putting that in my head.

I know you posted this AGES ago, but your comment moved me. I am glad to hear that you see a softening of your family's views and I hope that they open their hearts to the point where you feel comfortable sharing yourself more fully with them.

Honestly, I don't go to the movies often because there aren't a lot of films that I'm interested enough in seeing that I'm willing to shell out the money for the ticket, plus a babysitter and all that jazz. I'd rather wait til films are on Netflix or <insert streaming service here>. I LOVE action movies, but I'm a

I think this is adorable. Even if the ring that came out wasn't my style, I'd just give it to my daughter or something - and I LOVE little surprises and candles both, so this seems like a super cute idea. If the ring is actually valuable, that's a bonus, but for me the hunt is the fun part.

Los Vegas? Is that like Las Vegas?

THIS IS NOT A PORCELAIN COMPLEXION. What in the world are these people thinking?! I'm ghostly white and I'm still not technically "porcelain". - save a couple bucks.

Is anyone else just shaking her/his head over how many men have responded to this post with variations of, "well, yeah, it sucks that you have to be sexually harassed by randos, but hey at least someone's contacting you!" Guys, get a clue. Being sent dicpics is NOT a compliment. I'd rather have an empty inbox than one

It's easy to state that people should stop marrying young and they should stop making life decisions based on religious doctrine (including decisions related to family planning); but the lack of education about effective family planning, the dearth of funding help for post-secondary education, and the long-term

How is anti-religious sentiment any more heavy than religious sentiment? My children are raised atheist and take it for granted that religion is adult fairytale anyway.

I agree! I had a friend when I was 18-19 or so who started yelling at me for apologizing all the time. He'd say, "it's not your fault so DON'T APOLOGIZE! You didn't do it!" It was a hard habit to break, but noticing how often I was saying "I'm sorry" for things I didn't do and when I didn't mean I was sorry was a game

The principal of freedom of speech protects one's rights to express opinions on (most) topics without fear of governmental reprisal. Freedom of speech does not give one the right to express opinions without societal consequences.

This ... this is satire, right? Right?

It's really unfortunate that none of the onlookers saw fit to tell Bieber off. If I were there I would have given that entitled little twerp a piece of my mind. At the point where you hear someone, no matter who they are, verbally assault someone else in public, I really think any decent human being has a duty to tell

You could always laser it off? If in your case it's always a mega pain, just get a groupon special for a laser place and get rid of it!

... pathetic, insecure, nasty hate-mongers.