Make the stock and freeze. Use all winter.
Make the stock and freeze. Use all winter.
These institutions need their donations coming in.
So this sits “on the grounds” of Bedminster Golf Club? Is it then owned by the club and can it be seized and sold along with any other assets in bankruptcy or criminal prosecutions?
Former presidents’ adult children (over age 16) don’t get Secret Service protection, so they’re on their own.
Meghan Markle's shitbag father, is that you?
No we do not. We need to make campaign contributions from all sources illegal and fund them with public money. Some people are good at their jobs over decades and we would not want to lose them, the rest would be flushed once they can’t rely on money from shitty sources to win elections.
I firmly believe the reason they think there must have been massive fraud is that they themselves attempted massive fraud, so there should have been no way for Biden to win. The fact he did could therefore only be the result of even bigger fraud on his side. QED.
The legal strategy seems to be that they admit they have no evidence of any fraud anywhere, but there MIGHT have been fraud so therefore, please declare Donny the winner. They don't understand that actual court works differently than the court of public opinion and even the dumbest, most conservative judge isn't as…
Jonathan Pryce as Philip? I love me some Jonathan Pryce but I think the show missed their shot casting Charles Dance as Mountbatten. Dance looks freakishly like Phil and would have been perfect for season 5-6.
Silly me. I saw the headline and briefly hoped She was stepping down from the Senate.
It’s actually a quote from the tv show Letterkenny, and I think that Norton’s quote may have been referring to trump himself, not Emily Murphy.
Motherless Brooklyn got short changed. Great book, and an underrated movie.
you know what, i hope kyle rittenhouse gets fucking run over by a tractor trailer. I don’t wish honest ill-will on many people (though, this administration...) I really want him to get hit by 18 wheels and feel every. fucking. one.
Since they believe the race is rigged Republicans should just not bother voting anymore.
Speaking of Justice Tongue-speaker let’s check in on what the other right-wing nutcase that was under consideration for replacing noted non-nutcase RBG on the court is up to:
I’m so glad this ended happily with your friends coming over to help eat.
You know, I sat on the thought of what my worst Thanksgiving was for a few hours, but most of my Thanksgivings have involved trips home to see my parents and have the usual family meal where arguments barely start, are silenced, and then we’d make peaceful conversation about politics the news music movies how work’s…
I’ve not had any family in my area for about 20 years, am somewhat estranged from my father, and going to my mother’s 8 hours away, despite loving her to death, would actually be worse than staying at home alone. Used to be over the years that friends in a similar circumstance would get together and have Thanksgiving…
Wife and I usually spend Christmas alone (we fly back home for Thanksgiving, and fuck trying to fly/drive in the midwest during the Christmas holidays), and in our area there are a TON of restaurants open on Christmas Day. The local newspaper has started listed all of them, and what their hours are. So we’ll usually…