
The piece about this on The Root also notes that while Wilson blocked and ignored POC who tweeted at her about this, the few she did respond to were white. As a WOC on Twitter who gets into kerfluffles about social justice issues, I found this....unsurprising.

I couldn’t figure out what was making me extra mad about this and then I remember her entire US launch was used the Australian lower-middle class interpretation of hip hop culture as part of her schtick. Now, I don’t remember her ever engaging in black face or using slurs, but in retrospect it is much more suspicious

This is beside the point of the article, but since it was noted that Netflix has led the resurgence of the rom-com, let’s not forget one of Netflix’s new rom-com’s stars a plus size person: Sierra Burgess is a Loser.

The more I learn about her, the more I think she’s an asshole. 

“no quest line whatsoever,this is a multiplayer sandbox,let the players write their own story”

that’s also why when obama ran for a senate seat, they replaced his white opponent ryan (jeri’s ex who had a sex scandal nipping at his heels) with alan keyes thinking that blacks would be torn because they’re both black. they don’t think we have the cognitive ability to base decisions (political or otherwise) on

My first thought when I saw that pic of Kendall was

That’s 100% the truth. You can see the same logic when misogynist men screech that feminists should support someone like Sarah Palin. “But she’s on your side!!”

I thought the exact same 8th grade.

Have standards of beauty changed so much as to have become completely unrealistic?

Damn, our Netflix account is ancient and their algorithm obviously hasn’t figured me out. I think I mostly watch SciFi & Horror movies. A mix of TV shows... Honestly, the digital posters I’ve seen match the mass market stuff used for the major releases.

I’m so glad I’m missing this aspect of Netflix’s algorithm. It was bad enough they just straight up aimed every black film known to industry at me like a T-shirt gun, regardless of if it was trash or had even made it to theaters. 

Ones of your white male readers. Here is my poster for Disney’s Wrinkle in Time, a story about to two children and three women.

Less to do than a real Fallout game, plus PvP griefing? What in the irradiated fuck.

Yeah, my netflix does this when it finds out I’m black so then I have to like other stuff to get my algorithm back, but now it’s showing me this

And for those who have a hard time on the phone, like me:

What made Anthony Bourdain remarkable and why there are so many of people of color touched by his death is that he is the example of allyship that we all talk about. He traveled the world and everywhere he went, he treated people of color with a degree of respect we’re unaccustomed to by rich white men. He spoke in

They’re probably the same people that wanted the cop who killed Akai Gurley to be found not guilty

You may say that Vampyr is drained of gameplay elements.

I don’t know...seems a little....far fetched.