
Often people who have had abusive or authoritarian parents seek out relationships that perpetuate that pattern. It’s the only familiar relationship dynamic they understand. People stick with what they know.

I know this man. He is a violent drunk, racist, and an all around awful person. He is not fit for children.

Veteran actor Sir Christopher Lee, star of The Lord of the Rings films, The Wicker Man, The Man with the Golden Gun

Im so sorry for you and your mum. thats a really painful situation. Hugs!

But did she wear a fake marmoset strapped to her to fool anti-rainforest activists?

i once planted a bunch of flowers when i am not, in fact, a honeybee or hummingbird.
crazy time, man.

I would certainly choose marmosets over pro-life activists.

Right? I mean, not to sink to her level or anything, but I could write that obviously children will feel more wanted and loved if they know their mother didn’t choose to have them, she was stuck with them because of her religious convictions.


True story. My sister once raised money to save the Brazilian Rain Forest despite the fact that she’s not, in fact, a marmoset.

I’m also having a moment imagining an anti-abortioner telling their kid, “You’re only alive because I chose not to kill you.” How fucked up is that?!

How much more wanted and loved they will feel when she tells them that they were chosen, that they are alive because she chose not to kill them.

I know! How am I supposed to deal with a presidential election without Jon Stewart? Maybe he didn’t want to go through another election cycle, since I’m sure they’re kind of exhausting to cover so much. But still. Think of your FANS Jon, not yourself. :’(

And we have an election on deck, as well! Could they not have waited 18 more months?

Thank god John Oliver came along before they left.

I am 100% in denial. Like, I have refused to watch the show more often than I was already even though if I really allowed myself to register what’s going on I’d be binging on Daily Shows like there’s no tomorrow.

Oh god, there’s no tomorrow, is there

I LITERALLY can not deal with the fact that we lost Colbert and we’re losing Jon. Like I can’t. I just CAN’T. This is traumatizing for me. :(