
I think you’re looking at the video as the performance, when that’s honestly the smallest aspect of the performance. Yes, I suppose it’s slightly shocking that someone would record their con non-con play, especially since her primary public image is a woman who fought to have her allegations of rape respected by

But it does work (poorly) for her rape deniers, is the thing. They’re going to eat this up, and now we’re (we as in, the audience that trusts her) are going to have to explain to the fedora wearing masses that a woman who releases her consenting violent sex tape is still rape-able.

Well I can’t see the video, it will not load. Clearly my laptop has better judgement than I do.

I am not going to watch the video, because I am against rape and re-enacting a scene that is basically violent and rape-ish is not freaking art. This is shock value and I am not entirely sure what, as an artist, she is trying to get across. Mattress Performance was brilliant. This is like oddly staged violent porn and

Yup. I actually thought “Mattress Performance” was brilliant but this is some Grade-A hack work. But good performance art is really hard to do, and it’s a lot easier to fall back on cheap shock pieces. But yeah, this is some first-year art school shit right here.

Oh, thank you. Ro not even know how to,process this.

I think the artists point is to make you admit why you think it sucks.

I really can’t help but think the Chuck C Johnson types are going to latch onto this, “See? It’s all performance! It’s all to get a reaction!”

It seems almost necessary to think this sucks.

Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

It is insane how often “support our troops” would be more truthfully rendered “exploit our troops.”

The more hate she gets, the more justified this award seems.

The military has already been perverted enough. I’m sick of “patriotism” being the hollow shell assholes hide behind.

That kind of thing can also get exposed when you reveal something like a vet also by chance being a Muslim convert, then you start seeing these bigots backtrack slowly.

This is the conservative MO, really - whenever any social issue they’re afraid of is brought into the public consciousness, they pick some new person or concept that they really don’t give a shit about as a totem to discredit the other thing. This is “what about this white guy who got killed by cops” all over again

The irony is that all the hate Caitlyn Jenner gets over this just shows how much courage it took to go public in the first place

Yeah that’s the part that gets me most. These people think that they’re standing up for and supporting the military, but instead what they’re doing is perverting it for their own fucked up beliefs.

Pretty shitty of people to use an amputee veteran as a thin veil for their transphobia