
Thank You!

That show was the best. The best!

Some people are bisexual you know, maybe she’s into bisexual guys. We exist, we’re here, stop erasing us.

Me too and he could be bisexual, we exist, people!!

Look up my post above. The Southern States are mostly white, some are over 90% German.

My step-mom is also German-Brazilian, her family would also never admit to white privilege, but yeah, the whites and fair skinned are at the top of the power structure and most people of german heritage live in the South. It’s not so mixed there, in fact, the state my mom comes from is like 92% German or Austrian

The post about the Kangaroos on the ark was hilarious, though, that has got to be a parody of Christians who take the bible literally right? I mean the person who made that think science accepts the ark thing happened and the whole world was flooded? Jeebus Fucking Christ.

Mine too! I mean they believe in evolution but also that a hymen is sacred and divorce is okay for other till my sister started dating a divorced 21-year-old (seriously they married because of her religion cult and she got pregnant at their teens), and my sister’s elective abortion is the only moral one to my parents

Wow, I just saw all the errors in this post. I have ADHD.

Yes! And he kept sprouting the old: better than destroying your family... Dude, if you being honest about breaking your promises and your freaking sex life can destroy your marriage, the divorce is the better option if you spouse wouldn’t accept it. Then he says, nope, better to keep the family together so “the kids

When the Ashlin Madson thing came out, I have a long argument with Max Contrarian who thinks cheating is only harmful if the spouse finds out, “it’s the truth that hurts”, ugh, no. I am in a non-monogamous marriage, but that pissed me off so much, no one gets o take he agency their spouse and decide for them what they

Well, my ex GF and all the women I hook up with were also conventionally attractive and femme, some more than other, but they shaved etc. Lipstick beautiful lesbians are not really uncommon in the GLBT world, is what I meant. “More” likely is not saying attractive women are never lesbian or bisexual, I guess, and the

Huh, James Franco is very handsome, but his personality sort of ruins it? I would like to see Jensen Ackles, Ian Somerhalder, Ryan Phillippe or Ashton Kutcher to see if they get high scores, especially Ackles and Somerhalder.

Really? I am bisexual and dated more women than men, and I mean she’s cool and all but I don’t see the attraction ... I’ve only been attracted to femme women or a least conventionally attractive women who waxed /shaved... Even my husband has to keep himself trimmed for me, and he’s not really hairy as far as men go.

guest, not host. My Insomnia is fucking up my attention when writing.

I’m a bisexual woman who married a man and conforms to conventional beauty norms because it just makes me feel good about myself (I’m very self-conscious about my appearance, probably as a result of my OCD), I did even as I dated women or when I was single, I mean waxing my legs or getting a Brazilian wax hurt but it

Just to add after reading it now, as much as my aunt/godmother was hurt when she find out my uncle was a child molester, nothing could measure the suffering of his victims of course, be it the girl he fostered, my distant cousin on the child prostitutes in Brazil selling their bodies (or being sold) because they were

Sorry. Insomnia. ADHD and OCD. I do tend to share too much.

On and one of my uncle by marriages turned out to be a pedophile (I wasn’t a victim) but the thing was pretty traumatizing for my aunt (and Godmother) who was catatonic for six months after finding out. He got caught with child prostitutes in Brazil, where my stepmom is from, and then after that the girl they were

Straight women say that all the time. I’m bisexual too and I dated women only for the first 6 years of my dating life because I was fearful and distrustful of men, despite watching straight porn and fantasizing about numerous men. The men in my family were generally awful husbands and I had sworn I would never be like