Ariel is an abortionado

Done. And because I am An Old it will be coming to me in beautiful hold it in my hands while I drink a hot beverage in my bay window form.

Those aren’t the key issues he (and pretty much all the ultra-right nationalists who have seen very large gains) is building his brand with; immigration & protectionism is his bread and butter and what he is winning supporters with.

It’s really true. For privacy reasons, I send them a check, but it’s easy to just drop them an on-line donation. Now that Al Jazeera America is gone, they are the brightest spot for actual news.

Guys, if you can, and even if it isn’t much, support the Guardian. They reported on several scandals other ignored (Homan square -illegal prison in Chicago-, torture by the military, counting the killed by police while no official stats exist, the Greenwald analysis) AND they follow up on issues (Flint, corruption).

Aaaand, it’s over folks. Internet has been won for the day

“My comment was not intended to be racist at all...”

But! Exclamation! Points! After! Every! Sentence! Highlight! My! Sincerity! And! Totally! Credit! My! Position!

We have Pam and Bev and their ilk to thank for the whole, you know, trainwreck disaster dumpsterfire apocalypse-bringer election. At least these two are getting called out. A little teeny weeny bright side.

Just like the noose around Obama’s neck isn’t racist, right? Just a handy coincidence.

Not even casual. Outright racist. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!

If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.

which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

Again, I would like to apologize for this getting out of hand

He is, indeed, a real threat to all of those things. If you find a place that has all those things please let us know.

Aside from the obvious WTF of this, that seems extremely unsanitary. Like, imagine the sweat.

Just to put the icing on the shit cake, I can see someone trying it using some MRA dude who was just so traumatized by his woman getting an abortion.

And the Confederacy has been dead for 151 years, but damned if they’re not still out there protesting about it. I agree - fuck these “time to come together” assholes in every imaginable way.

One of the smartest people I know asked me this: if they get rid of abortion, what will they have to campaign on? The protests and the pictures of dead babies make them money. She was obviously trying to soothe my jangled nerves, but she has a point.

Call them what they are Pro-Birthers. Everything they stand for is all about the birth. Cutting medical coverage, education & welfare pretty much prove they don’t give a flying fig once the fetus actually become a child.