Ariel Isble

Do you not understand what debating is?

You won't know if that's true until the next episode airs. And ladies are not sparingly shown on this show haha there's like a nearly 5o/5o ratio when in real life, you don't nearly see as many women working in the crime field. That's like expecting a military show to have a split ratio when women only make up less

Well the novels are what the show are based upon. Did you even read them?

So are you saying Will's not justified enough for wanting to ruin Hannibal until now?

You want female characters who don't actually have much importance to the original novels to have as much screen time as the three male leads, who are instrumental through out the Hannibal series. Yes, I understand you have unrealistic expectations that can't be met. Did you read the novels?

Please explain how its going to fuel Will forward more when he's already been lied to and physically/emotionally violated by Hannibal, as well as framed by a man he trusted as his friend and doctor. He's been emotionally assaulted by the only person he left in.

Thank you! Your comment is so stop on! I feel like half the people on this board have never tried writing a story or entered a literature class before. Bev had to die. Hannibal is not hers to catch, and we've already been shown that knowing too much will get you liked. If Fuller had written her as a white male, no one

I can dismiss anything I want if I believe its wrong. There's no rules to online debating. If someone is seriously going to get their feelings hurt over what a profile says on a opinion board, then they have all sorts of issues they need to sort out with themselves. Fact of the matter is, the show is doing a great job

If you don't think her death is a case of this, then there's nothing to be arguing over.

Adapter doesn't own the source material and wouldn't be anywhere if it wasn't for the original creator, so a little humility wouldn't kill a person. You can not like something and still be respectful. It's really not that difficult to do unless you are just looking to be a giant douchebag.

Sure, but how can you even make that judgement call when she's not actually dead yet? We have no idea what her death might mean for the narrative. Maybe her death is the reason why Jack ends up in Hannibal's house and gets attacked. We don't know. I think it's pretty disrespectful to the show to assume the worst when

Ensemble doesn't change the fact that the protagonist and main focal point is Will Graham.

They killed her because she was likable and people cared, not because she was a woman. I don't understand why if a female character dies, it automatically has to become a gender issue.

She got in trouble because she was planning on doing that and Jack said "um nope that's kind of illegal".


But the show is not in either of those character's perspective's. We see through Will Graham. They are characters in his life, but ultimately, it's Will's life we are watching and rooting for. The tag line is, after all, "somebody save Will Graham".

How is it inconsistent? She already got in trouble for running to Will for help in the first place, without permission, while he was on trial for murder with all the evidence stacked up against him. Sure, you'd think she'd have more common sense than to go looking without a search warrant, but Miriam Lass had done the

Alana gets plenty of time.

But the story is about Will Graham. It's HIS story. The show is focused on HIS perspective. It's not about the women or Hannibal or Jack or anyone else. It's about Will Graham and the events that prelude Red Dragon. That's the whole point of the show. It's funny to complain about the men getting all the character

Exactly. Having read the books, they lived because they didn't matter jack squat.