
Hey Larry, I totally believe you and agree with you. I live in the hood and I see it all the time. There are so many beautiful, good and smart kids out there, but somehow it seems the little terrors are overwhelming the system. It’s awesomely refreshing to hear a truthful, albeit harsh opinion on this topic, because

Agreed. Kids are awful because parents let them be.

And none of that will ever work or happen, because public schools are a joke and you dumb fucks out there refuse to fucking learn why they can’t do shit and yet you just keep fucking complaining about the schools not doing enough for your stupid fucking kids while you and your dumb fucking elk keep chopping the legs

Full disclosure, I have my degree in education and refuse to work in schools anymore. These kids nowadays are pieces of shit (yes, your precious lil tyke is a pile of shit also) with no respect for anyone. Fuck being a teacher, fuck your bullshit kids and your fucked up way of raising these little pieces of shit...