Elvis Marie Presley

The deposit for bottles is literally 5 cents, it’s not that big of a deal and I’m happy to pay it if it means things get recycled at a higher rate. There probably are a few things here that are over-regulated, but most of it has been really positive changes, especially around habitat protection and pesticide

How ’bout the real-world effects on her when your ruling ends up forcing her past 20 weeks and she can’t legally obtain a medical procedure which -up until then- would’ve been perfectly legal?

Surely she’d get adequate nutrition and pre-natal care in a for-profit detention center!

“I said consider the circumstances. She’s a 17-year-old, by herself, in a foreign country. In a facility where she’s detained. And she has no one to talk to. And she’s pregnant. Now that is a difficult situation.”

It’s amazing how even when surrounded by Republican politicians, this guy manages to be the most unctuous, oily motherfucker in the room. It’s like somebody took a dead weasel and reanimated it with SuperPAC money and black white magic.

Nah. Suck it up for the greater good. Everyone in the world needs to be sacrificing something for the Collective health of the planet and all the inhabitants. over regulation is necessary because human beings are ego centric selfish assholes who need mommy and daddy to tell them to behave.  

I think it’s often a matter of the attitude you adopt when dealing with such things. You’re both in a position to see their usefulness so it might be something else that bothers her but pointing to all the regulations and warnings is less embarrassing for an adult to do than come out and say they’re homesick or

The bigger concern is not what Mr. Trump has done to the presidency but rather what we as a nation have allowed him to do to us. We have sunk low with him and allowed our discourse to be stripped of civility.

“Because Jack Dorsey is trying to influence the election to sway the election so that Democrats can steal the election.

This is what happens when people who say they care about these things both run for office and also actually show up to vote. Onward to November, when I really hope people understand that voting is really fucking important.

Do you think the Democratic Party will finally start to appreciate African-American women, who are the base of the party? Or start to realize they dont need to be the Republican Lite party to win?

If the positions on the supreme court aren’t political, why did he and his party refuse to appoint Merrick Garland?

I feel she has an inflated sense of the non-importance of this incident and how that incident played out. As I recall, in general, it was already a joke that SNL had her on as a musical guest. She was never someone people were clamoring for, and for all the talk about her record going “no. 1", I think we all know that

This is the turning point for the environmental movement! It’s starting to affect the dicks so now it’s serious!

“I know I am a better person than this

I think this guy might be the most generic white guy i have ever seen.

Palestinian Mexican American. This is the America I know. When those morons start spouting off about America is white and blond/blue-eyed, all I can think is bish where are you from? And life must be boring as hell for you. And I’m glad I’m not from there, because I need more variety on where I am going to eat than

Once I had a boss (in city government) who put together an invitation list to a reception for a company looking to possibly relocate in our city. He was all excited about how he was going to get the best people in the city to come out and impress these visitors. The invite list he gave me to send out had 35 people on

The worst part about working in politics and government as a woman is the explaining I have to do.

Some of our country’s current policies are just so absurdly, cartoonishly, overtly evil. The fact that the terms “refugee” and “seeking asylum” no longer seem to elicit automatic sympathy is deeply disturbing to me. I feel like the whole conversation around refugees these days is a conversation about the potential