When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.
When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.
Surviving sexual abuse and assault is a very personal journey. People deal with it very differently. For a long time, I wanted no one to know that I had been sexually molested by my grandfather,among others, or raped by a camp counselor. As a young man, it made me feel weak and pathetic. The few people I did tell who…
Considering how survivors of sexual harassment and assault get dragged through all the victim blaming, it seems a sensible argument for someone whose career is very dependent on controlling their image.
This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think…
I’m sure her life in NYC was great: shopping, Pilates, Tiffany’s, sleeping in a separate bedroom from Donald, never having to touch him, let alone hold his hand in public — basically show up occasionally on his arm at some event, well-dressed and posing. Pretty much continuing to be exactly what she was when she was a…
Farewell Ms. Franklin. You had a wonderful voice that crossed genres and time.
I dunno. When I was in rehab a LOT of people went through divorces while still drinking because their spouse was sick of their shit. I think giving him the chance to be fully present for the matter is a favor. I’m sure she’d like to move on earlier rather than later, plus as someone else pointed out he’ll get MORE…
It’s not really that insane, if it’s about your kids. If he’s sober, he’ll get more custody, which is good for the kids (as long as he is indeed sober). Basically, it sounds like she’s doing him a favor. Or maybe that’s just how she wants it to sound? I dunno, but as it’s put here, that’s what I’m getting.
Re: Kellyanne and Spouse: I have never seen two people who look more like the Dickensian overlord couple of an abusive boarding school.
A number of the individuals making these threats have domestic violence and assault charges in their pasts. This is super serious and I hope these people go to jail.
I would have gone to everyone of those haggard ass still thinking they are “mean girls” houses and demanded they look me in the eye. I’d go with, “You aren’t anonymous neither is your kid’s _____ (fill in the blank with whatever you heard about their child) but I don’t bully kids I pity your’s for having you as a…
Every last one of these horrid parents should be doxxed and suffer the consequences. Read this yesterday on Reddit, and looked at all the screenshots of the comments. Downright disgusting.
Miniature horses live longer than dogs which is important given how much time and money it takes to fully train a real service animal. They also have less alergy problems than dogs and have very good, almost 360 degree vision which is very useful for a seeing-eye pony (though they don’t work as well as assistance…
I’ve found it kind of irritating that everyone seems to have forgotten about this, and goes on and on about the public aspect of the divorce—my parents had a long, nasty divorce, which stemmed from an incident wherein my father became violent and ended up arrested. I was seven, and called the police myself.
Yeah, I think it’s weird that everybody forgot that the reason this started is because that fool had a drinking problem and let it escalate into a physical altercation. Instead everybody’s like, “gawd why is she so unpleasant????”
Wow. Brad must have really done something awful on that plane. His paranoia lies in public scrutiny but not the divorce or custody. Way to play it smooth, buddy!
Shout out to the Hearst family for smearing Chloe Dykstra and anyone else who actually spoke up about this, never letting us forget that whole family has always been horrible.
There is no need to infiltrate organizations they are already members of.
Laura Ingraham, the America you knew and loved never existed. Be thankful you live in an era wherein you are more than marital property, are free to make your shitty, judgemental comments, and fight teen gun violence survivors on twitter.