Elvis Marie Presley

Well said.  Do you think Blake will be the next Bachelor?  He was saying all the right stuff on the couch last night.  He seems almost too earnest and maybe too sensitive to want to do it.

I watched this season, because...Well, I always watch, what can I say. Becca had a strong lead in Blake, an equal, a good partner. What she found in Garrett was someone comforting who “reminded her of her dad,” which she seemed to be obsessed with. She chose a Golden Retriever, a pet she could mold into her own

I confronted my sister a few weeks ago about her new boyfriend being a Trumpster.. She was like Umm.. You know I’m a Trumpster right. She later used a racial slur. I was like WHO ARE YOU. Was proud however that my husband called her out on the racial slur and she was like oh is that racist? Thanks for letting me rant.

“Just because I liked it doesn’t necessarily mean that I supported it.”

I cannot even describe how devastating this can be. I’m an immigration attorney and I can think of 10 clients off the top of my head that this will directly impact.

Businesses that rely on seasonal workers are struggling because of Trump’s immigration restrictions.

If you stay sober, it does actually fade with time.  Personal experience.  The compulsions lessen.  It’s not something you can play with, but it gets easier.

This is  B.S Hillary got more votes nationwide than Berinie

Because it's not just about the view; it's about the violation. They like hurting people and they like control. 

How outrageous to try to imply someone’s corruption via illuminating how ridiculously opulent their lifestyle is.

I get the sense that Johnny Depp isn’t just a physical abuser, but an emotional abuser as well.

Somebody can’t be abused if they’ve taken drugs? Because being in an abusive relationship would seem to be a pretty strong motivation to self medicate. 

Powerful men really do view women as disposable items. Then they enable not-so-powerful men to do the same.

Mr. Onionsboy, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may

Lost will always be one of the shows with the most unused potential. The first season was amazing, but it went downhill so fast. The shift of Kate’s character from having a real story to just being there create tension among the men or to bring out their human side was one of the annoying parts.

Ugh, totally agree with her, I hated the Kate love triangle. That character had so much more potential. 

Forget the discrimination aspect for one second. I don’t care if I’m a purple Muslim hermaphrodite from Jupiter, if I fucking paid for premium I am sitting in fucking premium, and no fuckers are making me sit in fucking coach, from my severely beaten lifeless body are you taking this from me.

Really? What information would make this ok?

Nuns have been mistreated - not just by individual priests or mothers superior, but by the church as an institution. Oftentimes, as so many stories that came out of the Irish work houses betrayed, nuns themselves became abusers.