Elvis Marie Presley

If you want to have children, don’t be afraid, be forewarned. Be very explicit with your OB about the complication that killed a family member. And if that OB brushes you off, find a new one. In 60% of cases, a severe complication can be caught early enough to mitigate most damage.

I’ve read/heard somewhere years ago; “The most dangerous medical condition for women is pregnancy.” Which is what makes the ‘pro-life’ (anti Roe v Wade) movement head-slam enraging when reading how these numbers continue to worsen (in the US). Take some of that extra energy and thought and put it toward this you

There’s a 10 year age gap between my parents and... ever since Dad turned about 60 it’s just gotten harder and harder on Mum. Watching him age. Watching his decline. Watching everything. She has told me to never, ever be in a serious relationship with anyone more than just a handful of years older than me. It didn’t

Any excuse to use one of my favorite all-time gifs:

At the very least it’s sexual abuse.  She said she would be in tears some of the time, and he laughed about it.  

I am over 6 feet tall, a former soldier, power lifter, former Div 1 women’s soccer player and current rugby player/coach. I played one season in a co-ed soccer league, and after the third time my team captain made me play out of position, or moved me to the other side to match a woman, “so that the guys wouldn’t have

There is solid evidence that people who vote conservative/Republican tend to have a stronger fear response, and tend to make decisions based on that response. It’s crazy to see this guy state it so boldly, though, since Republicans generally loathe being seen as weak or afraid of anything. I’m with you, that anyone

We don’t hate women, not all of us, we just hate the awkward double standard. Beat a woman at a sport and its expected, lose to one and you are ridiculed. Let her pass you and you get called out for being to easy on them, give a hard tackle and you are bullying. It is a no-win situation for men.

A lot of guys hate women. That’s not a very nuanced take, but I can’t see how anybody could argue otherwise. They don’t like women, and they’ll tell you that this isn’t true, because they know the optics of saying “I don’t like women” are really bad. So they’re going to be super aggressive and try to prove that women

Having played coed softball for quite a few years, it was all too common for men on other teams to take plays away from the women on their team. Our team captain had a rule however, that if you make a play on a ball that is not yours (like running over from left field to catch a ball that was going to the woman in

I don’t know that anyone will see this comment (yay hierarchical kinja), but I was struck by his comment about “paralyzing fear” of being attacked. Maybe just a lame excuse for him, but I think that anyone who can’t rationally process the fears of the world is not rational enough to make decisions for the rest of us,

I went to law school, and I’ve heard some absolutely absurd arguments in my time, but holy crap on a cracker, this takes the cake.

No, Brock and/or Brock’s Lawyer. It’s been established that digital penetration occurred, and with enough force the victim got penetrative injuries and pine needles and “debris” ended up inside her. That’s rape. I’m sorry (hahaha not really) if you feel that fingering shouldn’t really count as real rape and your

I love this picture, and the fact that Ivanka herself thought it was a good choice to share, because it just says so, so much about her. She is centered, in perfect focus and smiling. The people she’s “celebrating” are mere fuzzy, off-center shadows, not smiling, mere props... window dressing... background to help

Wait - she’s photoshopped in here... right? Like, she’s not in the same room as those people? What is happening here?

Showing up for photo opps where she clearly makes herself more important than the laborers/children/single parents she’s ostensibly there to promote:

I’m sorry to go off topic but I couldn’t wait for today’s Barf Bag to bring up Dump’s latest gold nugget of a tweet

I hate the myth of rugged individualism because it makes people selfish and think people who are struggling are not trying hard enough. Not everyone has the same access to resources. Some places are closed to people. Honestly, working hard does not always mean you’re going to become a “success.”

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.

“If it comes out of my paycheck, so be it,” says a Trump supporter that works at a factory that is losing profit to the steel and aluminum tariffs. WE ARE FUCKED!