Elvis Marie Presley

claiming the skit had not been in the competition’s script and had not been authorized by the board

This is super fucked up. People can and do die during complications from miscarriages in this country, even with medical care, so to just deny care altogether? Man, fuck them.

This is one of the reasons we were listed as one of the Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries for Women.

People blaming her/her family for not finding an alternative or filing the correct paperwork:

Poverty isn’t just monetary. It is a poverty of resources, poverty of information, and poverty of advocacy. 

What you are doing is illegal and you will face consequences for it eventually. 

This country fucking sucks.

Look around your office today. What if somebody asked you if there were any red flags about Joe from accounting? or Susie from HR?

did she really get all of the filler out cuz they still look a little plumper than they did pre lip filler.  ??  

Plenty of people are actively protesting (both financially and actually in person) about this issue. There are thousands of volunteers donating their time, services, money, whatever to address this travesty. Spreading the idea that Americans are not doing anything about this is RIGHT out of the Russian troll playbook.

“Well, this isn’t hauntingly familiar or anything,” says my (late) German Jewish grandfather who served in the German military and, then, didn’t.

Who the hell cast that? Mr. Gill was a big rough looking masculine person that insisted on be referred to as male, and they what? Cast a 110lb super effeminate looking woman to play him? He demanded to be called Mister. He obviously valued his masculinity. What are they gonna do? Slap a mustache on her? Jesus. Take a

Here’s the allegation that I keep coming back to:

Every time i think about his disrespect to those code breakers in front of his beloved Andrew Jackson portrait I feel such rage.  

Hi. What is the point of your post?

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted at Elizabeth Warren today that she should name her new dog Sniffing Bull. It’s blatantly racist and I don’t understand why no ones picking it up. Calling her Pocahontas, which the Trump’s have done for years now, is also blatantly racist. Trump even brought it up unprompted because he was in a

Men are always going to think they have a say on the abortion rights issue, because men think their opinions are Super Important. Especially when its about something that doesn’t concern them, like women’s reproductive rights. It’s always infuriating, but to be expected.

This. And the kicker that she never spoke or looked at her again. I’m even going to go out on a limb and guess the server in question was also an actress. 

Did anyone else catch Susan Collins’s interview on The Daily podcast this morning? I wasn’t hanging much hope on her standing in the way of a new pro-life Justice in the court, but her answers were still disappointing. Basically , she said she’d consider voting against someone who was openly hostile to Roe v. Wade,

I can’t imagine his ego would allow him to step down. Besides, being in power is his best defense against Mueller and other investigations.

He actually looks surprised by this.  Is he that fucking stupid?  What, did he think she was going to pat him on the head and tell him how smart and handsome he is?