Elvis Marie Presley

Either you dont know what you’re talking about or are bitter about some aspect of the race results. There was plenty of framing this race as a proxy for Bernie vs Hillary among national Democrats and donors.

If the midterms are in the Republicans favor, I wholeheartedly believe they will push to outlaw abortion. States are getting bolder and bolder with their restrictions.

This doesn’t just impact PP. Your rural gynocologist might accept Title X patients, and now you, upper middle class white woman, can no longer get referrals for abortion.  

Maybe if he’d died too I could understand it. They’d be grieving, and people can do fucked up things when they’re grieving.

The fact that you care enough to be scared is a good start, though. It’s the parents who dismiss the severity of issues like these that frighten me the most.

Great writing.

Don’t ‘abortion’ and ‘single mothers’ contradict each other? Is one worse than the other? What if a woman has an abortion because she knows she would be on her own? What if she has a door at home? I no longer understand my own rambling, but I guess it still makes more sense than this.

“We have 50 million abortions.” Speaking to This Week’s George Stephanopoulos on ABC, Patrick said, “Should we be surprised [at mass shootings] in this nation? We have devalued life.”

They are paying taxes (and not getting a tax return). Why not get some of the benefits? They work here, live here, and their kids go to school with ours. They are entitled to health insurance.

HARD disagree.

I am SURE someone has written an exhaustive hyper detailed breakdown of her gown down to which trees the silkworms that made the silk ate, but a quick look at the gown shows a likely un-stretchy duchesse type silk satin (no stretch), a portrait neckline, and with a sleeve length that is AFAIK dictated by

The worst part isn’t the fit criticism, but the “Kate won” comment. She’s needlessly pitting women against each other.

I can’t imagine how desperate she must have felt, having what appears to be shared custody with her abuser.

Everything is chemicals.

My blood is boiling. This administration is so cruel to the most neglected and neediest people. The global gag rule is so awful and now being used here. PP is 100% being targeted and punished although they do not use federal money for abortions. They provide access to healthcare so many women desperately need and

“An ABC News reporter confirmed that Schlossberg is no longer welcome in the building where he rents office space.”

Straight EVICTED. This makes me happy. 

Exactly. It’s NOT really about being a virgin or having no sex— it’s about not being able to have The Hot Chick[tm] that these guys feel are OWED them. If you tell them “you could be having a lot of fun, hot, happy, willing sex with this nerd-girl who’s just like you and really wants a boyfriend, if only you’d put

That redemption continues to find a following. Minassian was not the only mass murderer who found inspiration in Rodger. Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz, who killed 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas in February, reportedly expressed admiration for Rodger. Elliot rodger will not be forgotten,he wrote in a comment on

It’s amazing to see these lunatics:

I think it goes beyond sexual frustration - it’s frustration that they are not in control of a woman or women.

A too-wide generalization but one that may hold some truth here: Women tend to internalize pain; men externalize it. Both are dangerous for the person in pain, but only one of them is dangerous to the rest of the world.