Elvis Marie Presley

I don’t mean this is a cruel way, but I’m always legit surprised when I realize Rush Limbaugh is still alive.

As funny as it is to think about, most conservatives are infinitely more concerned about labels than other demographics in my experience. Almost the entirety of what i would consider to be “toxic conservatives” adhere very strictly and proudly to stereotypes. They work very hard to fit into the mainstream ideal of men

I really hate when she says “it should be dealt with it court”, the reason it wasn’t tried in the first place was bc they didn’t want to put Dylan through he emotional trauma, not bc they didn’t believe her, they actually did believe her. And if I was Cate that alone would be enough for me to never work with him

“Obviously, Dylan Farrow has been living in a world of pain, and if the case has not been properly tried, then it needs to be reopened and go back into court because that’s a place where those things get solved,” Blanchett said.

Fuck me, that was terrifying. “I’m not a Nazi, I’m just a mother who loves her son!” says the woman who wore Nazi regalia, shouted a Nazi slogan, made a Nazi salute, and gave her land to an outspoken Nazi to train Nazis.

Ah yes. Another fine, basement-dwelling specimen of the “superior race.”

This was in another article and made me tear up.

I’m sorry but I have had this bone to pick with Sex and the City for years now. There is no world in which Carrie Bradshaw hates a sparkly purse shaped like a random animal or bird or whatever. Maybe, maybe, she’s not into the specific bird she receives because it’s not ridiculous enough for her tastes, but that’s it.

Ah yes, since a gay boy, a Black girl, and a fat white girl are popular, there must be something sinister to it. These SJWs are just bullying the “normal,” red-blooded Americans who simply want to live their lives!

Stormy Daniel’s lawyer is the only source I’ve seen, but I 100% believe him because 1) Everyone around Trump seems terminally stupid 2) MC probably wanted blackmail in case he ever needed it 3) I really, really want it to be true :)

How is forcibly penetrating someone that doesn’t want you to NOT qualify as “violence?” How is a 5 to 1 ratio in the early morning hours not “intimidation?” I would say requirements met.

There is a lot of gross implications in what Mika said. It sounds like if a woman does what society expects they will be protected. Frankly, if that is the case it doesn’t apply to all women who are wives and mothers.

Seriously. She wasn’t making fun of Sander’s lazy eye or her weight or lack of chin. The clothing and make-up choices of a well-off white lady are totally game for jokes, Sander’s has 100% control over that shit. Frankly, I think that the reaction on the right has shown a lot of about how they view Sanders. If she was

That was an epic critique of cable news right to their face. Even though the room was not laughing....I was.

Man makes joke, their all like “chill, it’s just a joke.” Woman makes joke and their all like “ how mean! How dare she!”

She even went after JoeMeeka. LMAO:

Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!

I died laughing, but then again I have a sense of humor.

People keep claiming that Wolf makes fun of Sarah Slanders’ physical appearance, and I’m still trying to figure out where she does that. The smoky eyes and Aunt Lydia jokes were so fucking obviously about the lies and the bullshit.

Seriously, Maria Shriver? You had no idea your husband had a son with your housekeeper even though he looks more like Arnie than your own kids but you’re sure a guy you only know from work never made a pass at anyone? Lol,okay.