Seriously. I think I’d rather someone decline than come begrudgingly and talk shit behind my back because they had to travel to come to my wedding. Sorry life happened and we don’t live in the same town.
Seriously. I think I’d rather someone decline than come begrudgingly and talk shit behind my back because they had to travel to come to my wedding. Sorry life happened and we don’t live in the same town.
Wow. This is the come up of all come ups. This guy was eating moldy cheese and ham sandwiches two years ago. One viral photo later and he’s jetsetting around Europe and having a baby with a billionaire’s daughter. I’m sure Chloe’s father is thrilled by this.
Michael Avenatti is fast becoming my favorite lawyer ever. All he does all day is go on the cable shows Trump watches and troll the shit out of him on an hourly basis. Someday, in the brand new Resistance Plaza in D.C. (after the coming purge), Avenatti will get his own memorial statue.
The fuck is wrong with you?
You might not like his personal style, but it was composed to make a statement. Did it do that? Will you remember this?
That picture is awesome. I wouldn’t have expected it in Sacto, but good for them. No better place than the state capital to make some well-deserved noise.
thank you, you are totally correct and I edited to have my question.
This assumes a lot. That we (as a collective, pretending we’re not diverse) have the resources to do so, for starters. Would I *like* to move away from a state that had restrictive anti-choice laws? Absolutely. But I don’t have the economic means to do so.
HIPAA is dead, long live HIPAA.
See, I’m from the East Coast (Boston, not NYC) and I think the level of niceness in places further west seems insincere and suspect. I don’t think we’re so much necessarily “rude” out here as we won’t bullshit you just to spare your feelings. We’re not bad people, we just tend to reserve the warm and fuzzies for…
Not exactly related but: I hail from the middle of the USA and recently started working in customer service in NYC, and the difference is staggering. My whole training week I could not get over how rude my coworkers (and boss!) were allowed to be to customers; it was amazing. Back in the Midwest I had to essentially…
It’s not his fault, really, but Rick Santorum is the smarmiest-looking dude this side of Joel Osteen. He could be the intellectual love child of Ta-Nehisi Coates and Pope Francis and I’d still want to cold-cock him just for looking the way he does.
That screenshot is EVERYTHING.
I legit wonder if gun rights people like actually read a single gun control platform to see what gun control demands actually are. I’ve said before, I know gun owners who are pro-gun control, because they know no one is trying to take your guns (unless all your guns are assault weapons, in which case, why?).…
Pretty clear it was an institutional thing and not “just a Nassar thing” like I’ve seen some say at MSU. Do your homework and take down all the scum.
When people wonder why no one reports on men like Nassar, it’s because men like Strampel get to watch the videos of assaults. Abuse in institutions is institutionalized.
I’m having a shitty day and just kinda word vomited all over this page. So that’s my bad because I know it isn’t helpful. I just can’t believe people would support this absolute horror of an administration.
A year from now, things will look very different. We’re gonna beat this.
Anderson Cooper: you thought that there would be some sort of legal repercussion if you didn’t sign it?
Why does this irritate me so much? Anderson, be better.