EVERY married guy, who is looking for some side action, swears up and down that he and the wife don’t have sex anymore.
EVERY married guy, who is looking for some side action, swears up and down that he and the wife don’t have sex anymore.
Another reason why all marriages, even those with parental consent, should be illegal for minors to entire into.
EVERY married guy, who is looking for some side action, swears up and down that he and the wife don’t have sex anymore. Maybe it’s true. Maybe it’s not. But that’s what they all say right up there with, “My marriage has been over for years. We’re just roommates now,” and “My wife doesn’t understand me.”
Neither Daniels nor Avenatti blinked exactly where Cohen and Trump would’ve. It was riveting.
Absolutely there is more coming. Her lawyer is too smart to dump it at once.
I saw a lot of people I follow on Twitter say the interview was boring but these are people who have been following this story obsessively.
My takeaway - She told the truth and she’s got a great lawyer. Oh, and she definitely has some audio/video proof of their relationship. I just hope I never see Trump’s dick. The country’s been through enough.
Attn: Normal People,
Bill Maher did a bit this week about how “conservatives” like Andrew Breitbart, Dana Loesch, and Steve Bannon were all wannabe Hollywood stars who got rejected from the entertainment industry. So they were bitter and turned on liberals because Hollywood is run by liberals. Seems that Trump is doing the exact same…
Elon Musk confuses me, I don’t know if I should root for him, be annoyed at him, be happy his brain exists, and many other scenarios.... thoughts?
I am in my 60s. I remember a time when young people could and did effect change. We worked really hard for peace, civil rights and reproductive rights. But at some point, life, jobs and family got in the way and we barely noticed the gradual backsliding. When liberal boomers became complacent, we allowed…
I would think the vibe would be very different in Europe, than here, for obvious reasons. I watched the whole dc rally and it was extremely emotional, angry, deep, powerful. I don’t get why people feel the need to shit all over something for no reason. I get that it’s cool to be cynical, but sometimes it’s not…
If you are a Millennial, this is a truly punchable moment. And if you’re an Xer like me, then shame on you. (Edit: punchable.) You have no right at this moment to indulge in this “ugh whatever”. Your little cousins are coming barreling out of the chute and doing the work. They are serious as every heart attack in a…
I’m glad that we Americans are finally taking our issues to the streets, but it all just seemed so... hippy dippy? Fun? Not serious? I don’t know how to describe it, but there was no anger or action.
We’ll leave for the march in Dallas in about an hour. The small human made his own sign, after we talked about why we were marching last night.
Last night, we talked to him about why were marching, in the most age-appropriate way we could. He looked at me and said, “Lockdown drills are dumb and scary, can I say that?”
Man, the kids are doing right, aren’t they?
i recently purchased a $700 solid wood dining table from crate and barrel. it is very nice and very very safe.
People: read the links in the story before you pass judgment. If you want a quick overview...
I don’t know exactly what went down here, but how did this broad stick her puppy in the overhead bin and sit still in her seat for several hours without being like LET ME CHECK ON MY DOG?
People saying this is partially the dog’s owner fault for complying with this absurd order of flight attendants has certainly not been following the news on what happens to people who doesn’t put up with abusive demands of power tripping air crews.