Elvis Marie Presley

It’s. . . literally a competition show about makeup artists doing makeup application? The trailer clearly shows more artistic makeup and less of the traditional “beauty” type makeup (not that there would be a goddamned thing wrong with a show about “beauty” makeup, too).

Goddamn, the snobbery is real in the comments

Some people like different things than you and that’s ok. Not every TV show needs to be a documentary about complex socio-political issues, pressing on us from every direction all day. Hell, sometimes it’s nice to just relax and enjoy something fun.

It’s hard to side with Dunham on anything but this is totally the kind of thing Robbie Mook would have been like, “My algorithm tells me no one in Wisconsin or Michigan cares if Harvey Weinstein is a rapist.” And then Huma would be like, “You can’t tell Hillary Harvey is a rapist, only I get to tell Hillary Harvey is

Also, why was she still happily showing up to flashy Weinstein fundraisers? “I know this guy is a massive rapist, and I’ve told the people he’s throwing this fundraiser for, but I’m not passing up an open bar and the chance to meet George Clooney”?

She took a DJ who groped her in public and denied it (and his GF who was a witness also denied it) to court and won $1. As much Swift hate as there is, she did a good thing by bringing a sexual harasser to justice for a non-sum of money to show that she wasn’t doing it for wealth or fame, she was doing it because she

Not that he wasn’t ever fit or anything, but he’s looking noticeably buffer in that photo. It’s appealing to some (me).

Well, this might be the final straw.

She is just producing.

Because... each year is worst than the last?

Hotter summers as a result of global warming combined with natural patterns of drought and humans expanding further into previously uninhabited, fire-prone areas.

I am also expecting a Bryan Singer expose any day now. Fired from Bohemian Rhapsody and now it turns out his longtime publicist has also dropped him as a client? His head is going to roll soon.

Of course they are, they think they did nothing wrong.

So the plan is that everyone that works for FEMA quits because no one can afford this. FEMA is eliminated because no one can afford to work for FEMA. And then at the next 10 hurricanes we get, everybody dies. Good job, Republicans at Making America the Worst Fucking Place to Live and Work.. MATWFPTLAW is probably too

This is really where the Church of Satan needs to come in and refuse to, I don’t know, sell vitamins to divorced people or some shit because it violates their religious beliefs. Religious conservatives seem to forget that when you enact laws giving powers to religion, it also means religions other than yours.

Am I the powerful man?

I want someone to grill Trump like this so bad. I know he will just blumble and flumble but I still want someone to sit down and hold him accountable for every shitty stupid thing he’s ever done, said or tweeted.

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

I have been waiting (impatiently) for Singer to be brought down. Looks like there is something on the horizon that hasn’t leaked yet since he is famously litigious and has been successful at winning past court cases and silencing people online.

I don’t want to be the one, but I’m gonna be the one. We tend to believe male rape victims for a combination of two factors: The first being internalized homophobia because the act is so “unnatural”, and the second being internalized sexism.