Elvis Marie Presley

The kicker is that spending money on those things ACTUALLY helps the economy. As opposed to it going to sit in some off-shore bank account.

“I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,” Grassley told the Register, “as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

I’d like to add that drinking, drugs, lechery, and even mild entertainment (seriously, “going to the movies” is now the mark of a terrible person?! Dafuq?!) are only bad when poor people do it, apparently.

It is absolutely unconscionable to me that republican voters keep voting republican, when the people you are electing will never EVER stop showing you how pathetic they think you are.

Uh, he could have said “that’s disgusting”, “don’t talk about women like that”, “we don’t say those kinds of things on this show”, literally anything other than laughing about it and letting Trump be gross.

It was two Swedish men. Also, they were so horrified by what Turner had done, I’m sure that if their witness testimony were needed again, they wouldn’t hesitate to come back to help Emily Doe get justice. They seemed like some rare, upstanding exceptions to the violent, misogynistic disaster that is the male gender,

I’m interested in the question of sentencing, too. The thing where Oscar Pistorius’ sentence was increased after a review in South Africa brought up so many questions for me: Won’t he automatically get a new judge if he’s granted an appeal? Isn’t the new judge much less likely to give him a lenient sentence? Can

My guess is that Brock is trying to get off the sex offender registry. Daddy’s friends will always give him a job, but the sex offender registry is its own nasty beast that he can’t buy his way out of.

A little OT but I’m FUMING. I just heard a fragment of a Dutch radio show in which the two DJs had hired a streaker to dangle his naked penis in front of the face of a 20 year old female singer. She starts to cry, and they are laughing their heads off. Then she apologizes, you know, for not being cool. She sobs: ‘I’m

Have you seen Titanic recently? Leo may be older than Kate but he has undergone an odd aging process. In Titanic he looked like a middle-schooler who sings in a boyband... and Kate looked like his governess. He segued into looking like an aging, overweight German pig farmer. He never really had a prime, did he?

There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

I never understood the Matt Lauer as most eligible bachelor/playboy phenomena. He isn’t that handsome nor charismatic—he is just a completely average looking man without the facial bone structure to really pull off the bald look. His reporting skills were mediocre. His likeability is mediocre (he has always come

But they are now an extremely small voting base.

He is just so, so, so fucking stupid. There really aren’t any other words for it. He is just colossally, monumentally stupid.

Generalizing is never helpful, but also...

That seems like incredibly irresponsible advice from Eichenwald. We have a major midterm election coming up in 2018. Millennials have the ability to flip both the House & Senate in favor of Democrats. If you can’t do that, at least get rid of Trump in 2020 and try a second time on the lower Houses. Also, elect

I think this will be a contentious case that could go all the way to SCOTUS. I think an immediate stay will be implemented which helps GSENM but not BENM, which is really just a piece of paper still. Its clearly uncertain that the executive has this authority but its also uncertain if its only vested in Congress,

He looks like one of those ventriloquist dolls that’s just waiting to be possessed by an evil spirit.

The lawsuits will be coming immediately, of course, because the American Antiquities Act of 1906 gives the president the power to designate historic landmarks and/or national monuments, but there is nothing in the act that gives the president the power to rescind previously-designated monuments.

I see where you are coming from. I really do.