Because her weight is none of our fucking business.
Because her weight is none of our fucking business.
I just love that somehow America has a national public holiday that hasn’t been turned into an entirely tacky and commercial fiasco. After all this time, it’s still really about getting together with family and eating whatever you want and that’s about it. You can really make what you want of it, regardless of the…
Are men just...allergic to giving good apologies?
Any holiday where pie is prominently featured is worthy of my attention.
Unless I heard her wrong, Rachel Maddow say US Embassies in Russia are hiring Russian private security to help provide security, and the guy who owns the company is ex-KGB with connections to Putin. What could go wrong?
I cannot help it, I find badly-drawn penises to be HILARIOUS. I saw this on Deadspin and laughed my ass off. Even more so when I thought of the pearl-clutchers trying to shield their kid’s eyes from the “naughty cloud”.
he’s never had the opportunity to defend himself and that violates due process in America
My guess is that this guy has conjured 50 women from:
10 women who let him feel under their shirts, but he couldn’t get the bra off and they got bored
No way this guy’s fucked.
Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.
Veggies are delicious. My late meal yesterday was a squash and onion and cheese casserole, a side of carrots stir-fried in butter, and a cup of stewed cabbage. My mid-day meal was a juicy tomato with mozzarella cheese, basil and some balsamic glaze. I had pineapple and yogurt for my late night snack (and a couple of…
I specifically take issue with the inclusion of a mermaid front and center on every Starbucks cup. They’re an abomination and Noah left them off the ark for a reason. There were space issues and they can swim anyway. Also they maybe consume human flesh.
The white people, both liberals and conservatives, that rush to defend Nazis and the KKK on behalf of free speech haven’t been as vocal about this. Hmm.
I find the biggest culprit in the gender wage gap is that women are straight up lied to about the salary range and what’s possible. Two times that I know of, bosses have lied to me and said there was no money for raises when I had two coworkers get them in the same time period. One coworker was a guy and the other had…
Aw, even though they were sometimes too harsh on the women on the show, and wanted to box everyone into the tailored blazer-dress pants formula, I liked What Not To Wear and watched it a bunch. I assumed they’d had a falling out when the show ended, and now I know for sure.
And was invited to many friend’s marriages.
“The same sluts that rejected us, the same sluts that chose the god damn cool kids over us.”
🎶Somebody’s single🎶