Elvis Marie Presley

This weekend, Haddish became the first black female stand-up comedian to host Saturday Night Live.

I loved that she mentioned growing up in foster care several times, thanked anyone who paid taxes between 1990 and 1999 in the opening monologue (brilliant), and thanked her social worker at the end of the show. Foster kids represent!

I appreciate this breath of fresh air. The woes of middle aged disillusioned men are a frankly underexplored theme in literature and film. I look forward to what will doubtless be a unique insight into this marginalised perspective.

Every time I read about an over 40 yo male actor wanting to have kids, I think of all of the age-appropriate men on OK Cupid, etc. who would not consider my profile because I was not at an optimal babymaking age. And then I think of the known correlation between autism and older fathers, which I think is very

I agree. I’m willing to cut him some slack here. I think his answer was just unpolished enough to be pretty believable, and he admitted that he hadn’t done enough. I think a personal relationship combined with CK’s denials and being told “no” after asking around were probably enough for him to let it go. That’s

I know this is a candidate for the next New England Journal of Duh but I think men need to be better about trusting women when they come out about this stuff. There is literally no benefit to a woman making these kinds of accusations about a powerful man.

I hate engagement rings, but to be fair, they aren’t “placeholders.” Nearly every woman that has an engagement ring continues to wear it post-marriage. Stupid, yes. Placeholder, no.

Have anyone else noticed when Black women are doing well and doing things that are traditional it’s a problem or White Women feel the need to speak up? It reminds me of when putting her maternity pics on Instagram.

Listen. Having a THIRD baby shower seems a little tacky, but for people saying that Kim can’t have a shower because “she’s not even pregnant,” I just have this to say: fuck you very much. My daughter was born via surrogate, and I was a joyful and excited expectant mother even though I couldn’t gestate her myself. I

I dunno how that is NOT harassment. Have we crossed the sexual rubicon to the point that asking a woman to watch you jerk off is acceptable behavior? Take it out of the colleague realm for a moment, Cabbie asks. Passenger says no thank you. Everybody cool with that? How about a waiter? “My name is Eliot and I’ll be

I believe that the same article (or another similar one) spoke of (to me) a far more worrying development. Men following the “Mike Pence rule”: Never be alone with a woman; and do not attend gatherings with women where alcohol is served — either without one’s spouse (or at all).

Give me a fucking white list, Youtube.

Thank you. I was anticipating the kink argument coming out, and I have absolutely no patience for it. If coercion wasn’t the appeal of these acts, he could have and would have found women who didn’t work with him to play sex games with.

No, see here’s the thing. When you have power in a workplace and you “ask to consensually masturbate” someone can’t actually give proper consent because they risk losing their job if they say no.

So yeah guys, if you’re like, “I don’t know what I personally can do to help!”, the thing to do is to call out men, ESPECIALLY YOUR FRIENDS AND COWORKERS AND ACQUAINTANCES when they are creeps and abusers. Especially your friends and coworkers and acquaintances. Especially your friends and coworkers and acquaintances.

I’ve worked on behalf of many women that survived or were working hard to survive domestic violence. It really, really worries me that Mel B dissolved the restraining order against her husband. Really worries me.

Thank you for the post. Jezebel pursued an open secret story inside of an industry that’s incredibly male dominated and where misogynist views (women aren’t and can’t be funny) still exist. The nature of CK’s comedy added icky complexity to the endeavor. Strong CK defenders (outside the comedy world) are to CK what

It seems to me that you handled things very well, with Jen Kirkman. It’s unfortunate, if I had to guess, I’d say I think she was just frazzled by how much scrutiny she got, and lashed out at you guys. But you all did your job. This shit’s tough!

My friend linked me to that Lindy piece and I literally fist pumped when I read the byline and title.

Christ, if I had a nickel for every time a man conflated the potential for an “innocent” man to be accused of harassment or assault with the actual harassment or assault experienced by women, I would be richer than Donald Trump pretends to be.