
"That being said, if you're a valued regular and a good customer (and I've never met a server that didn't remember both truly great and truly terrible customers), a lot of the time a business will bend over backwards to try to accommodate you. If you have a history of being a great customer, a lot of places will go

Last year I broke up with a guy on the spot in a bar because he ordered "something that curdles" from the bartender and then mouthed off to the bartender when his drink didn't "actually curdle."

He wears Exclusively Lacoste polos.

I used to run kitchens, and someone actually did this to me. I had one of my prep cooks go to 7/11 and get hostess cupcakes and 7/11 nachos with that glorious fake chili and cheese, and a red bull. I then charged him $17.99. shit....the dude appears in my kitchen again, and says "At first I was

I usually think "everyone was so mean to Big Bird about Snuffleupagus"

Oh fuck off. A lot of people have gluten sensitivities, and even if someone does have Celiac, it's more likely that the server is going to understand "gluten allergy." You're busy, I'm busy and it doesn't help any of us if I'm required to explain my entire medical history to you justify why I'd prefer a gluten-free

Yes, that is where I worked. I worked in the Gloria Steinem counseling and liberation center.


oh man i love watching pretentious people being torn down is like the most delicious thing om nom nom on their painnnn

Y'all need a Pipper partner.

Hahaha, I completely understand! That's why I decided early, nope, not for me.

Pitches love vibrato.

"It's also troubling that [Schwyzer] was allowed to publish such patently unacceptable content on such a large platform for so long..."I would like for [Jezebel] to say, 'We will no longer serve as a platform for hatred, misinformation, and prejudice,' and then make good on that promise," "

One thing the video proves is no one wants to be the first person to help, but then everyone comes out of the woodwork once the first person does..

In general, I use groupon if I want to try a new place to see if I like it. I got so sick of going to a restaurant, getting shitty service, paying $80 for a meal and then being incredibly disappointed. There are probably 10 or so restaurants that me and my bf have tried with groupon and now go back and happily pay

The romantic wine thief reminds me of toddler afemininemistake. My dad is a trauma surgeon and was a resident when I was little so he was never home. I called 911 not once, but three times just knowing that I could talk to daddy because you call 911 for sick people and daddy fixes sick people. Such reason. Wow.

Welcome to Post Racial America! I see you've flown with us before.

Don't forget when some "promoted" person made the same damn point you did, then rec'd about a zillion stars for "your" comment.. that was already hanging out for a couple of hours in the grays. Ugh.

Yeah, because kids never have any other influences than their parents. I had great folks and I went through a stage of teen shitheadhood that I look back on in horror.