
Haha you don’t see this person condemning Israeli apartheid because it has not come up in their three comments on a Jezebel thread? Wow.

NOT ALL JEWS ARE WHITE and the ones who are white are conditionally white since racists hate us precisely for being not-white. #duh

Um, are you trying to say that Jews are white so talking about antisemitism is somehow denying racism exists? Because many Jews are POC.

It’s pretty clear that “unpacking” this article means refuting every single point made by the many legitimate sources who critique Sarsour. A quick Google search regarding Sarsour’s funds for the Jewish victims shows reports suggesting she never gave the funds over, or gave them to another organization. This article


This article really doesn’t pay much attention at all to the charges of anti-semitism. I’ve done my research and read the account of a former member of the original WM organizing group. I believe what she says and I’ve heard similar statements within Leftist organizing groups in the past.

But so do all women who are members of marginalized communities.

I mean...sure. But also, I’m a person and if we’re having a conversation, I’m going to feel stuff and pay attention to what I feel. Like...this isn’t going to be a conversation that is entirely about someone else’ feelings and thoughts, because hello, person. If I’m being asked to be an ally, that goes both ways.

But...WOC who are able-bodied are participating in systemic oppression of disabled folks, and straight WOC are perpetuating the oppression of queer folks. Literally POC have the capacity to participate in every system of oppression except white supremacy, although arguably that too via internalized racism...why

I mean...theoretically, maybe. But I didn’t vote in the last election and it wasn’t for any of those reasons. It was for kind of a good reason, albeit a private one. There are exceptions and since some of them have to do with disabilities [mine did] know. Be aware of privilege.

Okay...YES, the establishment does pit causes and groups against each other. That is something we all ought to be aware of.

Literally the mission of the Women’s Movement ought to be protecting the most vulnerable [i.e. most marginalized] women. Like I do not even understand how this is not obvious [except obviously I do, but I wish I didn’t]

What are “WOC” issues? How are they different from women’s issues?

YES. I was sexually assaulted when I was homeless and sleeping in the woods and too weak to fight back because I had not eaten in days.

I think her point though was that if we agree on certain short-term goals, who cares what people actually believe?

But...isn’t Black Lives Matter asking white women for solidarity when it asks white women to attend marches?

I. CANNOT. With Girls.

I hear you.

Pretty sure the Kumbaya tent got left behind in the sixties, which...just seems to me like you’re referencing a kind of white feminism that is mostly women not of my generation, because I see a lot of white women in my classes and around me learning about racism and wanting to fight it. It’s mostly older folks I hear

Wasn’t Becky mixed-race?