
Read. Read SO MUCH. Stand up for WOC in your immediate vicinity—not at the expense of their voices! But like—white people speak in white-speak, which is totally its own dialect. Sometimes it’s useful as a white person to make points I’ve already discussed with WOC, but use white-speak to do it: which as a white

Personally, I’d rather read this article from a WOC, though I’ve already read an article like that. But I’d rather read ANOTHER than an article by a white woman dumbing it down and condensing what WOC have already said.

Oh I SO feel you. Literally children are being raped, WOC are raped at gunpoint by cops and Native American women are just now the slightest flippin’ bit safe from being raped by white men on reservations, and women are raped in prison all the time and WOC are way more likely to be imprisoned...and women are being sex

Nice job. Can I help?

I dunno...honestly? I have never had a single solitary useful conversation with a white woman in a face-to-face way about racism or their participation in it. Never. It’s a blank screen. The only useful thing I’ve found is to direct them towards different written materials by POC talking about racism, and let them

I have no idea what the Women’s Movement fucking is or stands for. Literally. None.

because starving ourselves and wearing high heels and never getting sleep because we’re so fucking despairing and blaming ourselves for having human desires and hating ourselves for that, it all leads to a lot of hate and rage...and that has to go somewhere. And racism says we can direct it at POC with impunity, so

But, like—what the hell are we allies in? What are we actually fighting for? I feel like if I show up for the women’s march I’m marching for like twenty different things at once, and there’s no clear outline how marching in this march is going to accomplish any of those things. It just seems like it’s a bunch of

Literally this is the same conversation that has been happening on this site for a year, and it’s the same people writing the same articles about it. We all know these points. They’re just talking points at this juncture.

Literally you are talking shit about someone to make yourself feel better right now. I hope it worked, because it just makes me feel really sad for you.

I’m confused about how talking about different points of privilege erases those oppressed in intersecting ways at once. I feel like we’re all mature enough to be able to talk about the privilege that being able-bodied brings without someone suggesting that doing so derails a conversation about racism. They’re both

I feel like I’ve already read this exact article on this site, though, and that’s frustrating. And it’s frustrating that white women write about what white women as an amorphous group are doing to POC, but the conversation does not extend to other kinds of privilege and oppression. It’s negating. That’s not to say

But able-bodied people oppress disabled people just the same way white people oppress POC by participation in white supremacy by being white and benefiting from POC’s oppression. It’s literally the same mechanism. No one’s saying Black people as a group oppress disabled people more than anyone else, but all

I like that. I wish I’d read that article. I’ll have to hunt it down now...because obviously intersectionality was and is an important concept, but it does suggest an ever-tightening circle of ‘who is the most oppressed’ that fails to indict everyone [albeit not equally]

The thing that really bothers me about stories like Grace’s is that, as you said, virtually no one is paying attention to those most vulnerable. That includes members of a lot of different categories, including children.

I don’t know about Rose. She’s attacked multiple other actresses trying to speak up against sexual harassment and violence. She’s writing a book about her struggle, ostensibly to help others but clearly profiting off her assault. I’m all for speaking out, and survivors heal in different ways, but there seems to be so

Yes, you being polite is absolutely the same thing as you being respectful and reasonable and humanizing. Definitely they are the same thing.

I’m not sure what she’s doing to help. I’d like to think speaking about racism is doing something to help. But is turning down the photo shoot the most important thing she could be doing? I’m not sure. I wish she had.

Yeah I know, I would support her too :) But she never would. No one would, because of the power the U.S. government has in the world.

Omg yes, you are. Can I ask you something? What is Black Russian? My mom is Polish/Russian/Eastern European and she’s much darker-skinned than any other Ashkenazi Jew I’ve ever met. I got my DNA results done and I’m about 65% Eastern European, 30% Western European, so very little chance of her being mixed-race. Trying