
I think we have to rely on factors other than age to filter out the racists.

Glad you said this! I’m Jewish, and Jewish women overwhelming vote Democrat—and Evangelicals don’t tend to listen to Jewish women!! I think it’s important to get specific when we criticize those who vote for these Republican Evangelical assholes. Otherwise it’s too easy to try to hold all white women accountable for

True story, but first of all, neither of those factors [revenge, custody] are at play here.

So let’s look at these documented cases of false rape allegations, though.

Love what’s been said here! I just want to add that there is a huge difference between knowing you’ve been raised with oppressive beliefs and doing your best to rid yourself of them, as opposed to thinking you can wave a magic wand and make it all go away. That’s the basic backbone of restorative justice, right? But

I mean, I walk around my school barefoot, when I’m inside. Which I probably shouldn’t do but whatever. I guess I feel like it depends. If you’re in an office environment and your coworker has been there for 8 years and walks around barefoot on the daily, I’m guessing the boss would have noticed, yeah? So basically

Because...literally every victim who tries to speak up is crucified in the public imagination, buried by the misogynistic press, totally ignored by most other women, derided by men, disbelieved and sometimes outright mocked by police, told [like McGowan was told] not to actually report the crime because the case won’t

That moment when you’re reading someone’s account of Spacey’s sexual harassment and you think, oh god, awkward uncomfortable emotional intimacy, maybe I do I a stalker?? Then two sentences later the story becomes “and then Spacey grabbed my dick” or “and then he put his hand on my thigh and tried to grab my

Am I allowed to be pissed off that if I went in to a police station [or radio show, or newspaper] and reported a decades-old charge about any of the much-older men who molested or raped me when I was a child, I would not be believed and basically would be totally ignored [has happened. already happened]? Yet because

Sounds like we agree! Hope he is listening-

I definitely agree with you. I just think that your advice needs to be qualified a little, to “within reason.” As in, he needs to take some time to prepare within reason. Some people will never have the wherewithal to steel themselves against a situation like this. Some men use a situation like this to avoid ever

That’s not what that means. You’re a blank slate if there’s nothing written on you. You’re an open book if you’re sharing everything.

Um, no? We, plural, talk about what’s relevant, and then we plural decide how to communicate about those topics. I don’t decide as an individual to keep quiet about things that we obviously have committed to be honest with each other about. What are you even talking about? No, I don’t divulge details that have nothing

I mean, I’ve met people in SAA who for sure ARE there to treat it as a crutch and an excuse, but of course that doesn’t mean literally every person. I understand that it is difficult to seek help but sometimes that can be disguise for other things. For example, many men who call themselves alcoholics blame the alcohol

Okay first of all, Miz Thang, yeah I have been honest with every partner. Second, and more importantly, being honest about who I fuck while I’m supposed to be dating my partner is not exactly the same thing as being honest about, like, whether I think they do look fat in those pants. There are relevant details

Funny, quick story—where I went for e.d. is the same place Anthony Weiner went for “treatment.” I mean, I can’t say exactly for sure, but there are pics of him there and I’m like 99% sure it’s the same place.

YES. And you make some very good points. STDs can take years to show up, and I know from talking to a friend about hers that living with even an asymptomatic STD can be emotionally debilitating and humiliating. Keeping this secret from his wife constitutes a kind of assault, in my opinion, because he is continuing to

Thank you for your response. I so understand what that felt like for you, a piece of it at least. I’m in grad school right now myself and the people around me are freaking out over writing assignments or too much reading and I just like...can’t even. Do the reading, write as best as you can, pass your classes. These

I get that. And I understand how people can get addicted to anything pleasurable, and do bad things for that reason. HOWEVER there is a huge difference between a sex addict who is married and sleeping around, as opposed to someone who is not committed. If you do not tell the person you are married to as soon as you