
I understand where you’re going with this-and I do think it’s a fine line. I know though that sometimes even the most well-meaning comments from others have sent me into a tailspin. I’m not sure if you talk often with your friends about their past histories with eating disorders, but sometimes you don’t always know,

True-but I don’t think all juice should be lumped together like it is. I mean, the kinds of juice shoved down kids’ throats—capri suns, those squeeze bottle thingeys, etc.—are filled with way more sugar than basic OJ etc.

I agree there are bigger things, but I think this is cued into those things. Clearly the agent didn’t have to enforce the policy [there are lots of office policies that are never enforced]. Trying to ask children to be accountable to office policy seems just immoral, so long as they’re not actively dirty and are

I totally understand that, and I completely realize that in the greater world context it’s a little silly to be freaking out about. I think there’s the wider “policing women’s bodies” issue, and the fact we’ve all probably bumped up against completely unfair dress codes in school...there’s a lot of feelings flying

I used to get sick to my stomach all the time like that—and it wasn’t till I was in high school and had been puking my guts out randomly several times a year for no apparent reason that my parents were like, they took me to a gastro specialist, who barely did any tests then just decided I had IBS. So

I’m glad you’re paying attention and that you understand nutrition, but be really careful about “encouraging” people to eat or drink when they don’t want to. Sometimes what you think is “enough” for someone else isn’t, based on their own internal processes...and sometimes people don’t drink or eat enough because of

I was getting terrible stomachaches for a while back there, and people kept being like, maybe you’re dehydrated!! I was like, uh-huh. Yup. I carry around water bottles with me everywhere but sure. Let’s just go for the simplest possible solution.

Oh, for sure! There are literally countless environmental factors it could be. I say just keep exploring till you figure it out...someone recently suggested feverfew to me?

That’s so messed up. Kids learning to police other kids’ bodies...

Teachers do all kinds of things like this as a matter of course, and I think they’re all messed up. Like, would it seriously be that much of a disruption if kids got up to get water or go to the restroom whenever they needed to?

It teaches kids that they don’t have the right to as much water as they need. Kids need different amounts of time to drink, just like kids have different caloric needs. This kind of thing encourages dissociation from and ignorance of our true needs.

Chronic anxiety, chronic fear, lack of sleep...this stuff messes with kids. Honestly, I wonder if diagnoses like irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue are partly the result of being super run down from just not being physically taken care of properly as children, and never being able to fully relax or eat

Duuude. Don’t police my outrage.

I think it’s both, though. It may be the policy, but I bet most employees just kind of look the other way.

So basically like every other dress code-women are supposed to look nice and formal, but absolutely and absurdly asexual—while men just basically have to fulfill the formal requirement.

To be fair, not everyone is involved in Twitter or following the recent campaigns. He’s been busy working.

Worse than ignored-demeaned and humiliated so men can score points with other men.

I mean, I do think Sorkin did a lot for white liberalism in terms of making them/us face and deal with racism. The way his characters responded to that shooting was ludicrous, and the people directly impacted were white men instead of the Black male character the violence was aimed at, but it was still a step forward.

Yeah I’m actually vaguely in politics now and it is SO boring.

He can still be a sexist treasure.