
I just think when any older male very established actor tries to say really overly intimate things about his relationship with someone else, who is younger and female, it’s icky. I think even some of the things they say in interviews are icky, but tweets especially are a medium that’s difficult for others to control

I don’t think that’s really what people are upset about. They’re upset about airline staff given the right to tell little girls what they can/not wear.

But what are you supposed to do about it by the time you’re actually at the gate? What if you’re not carrying a change of clothes?

That’s true, though so’s the opposite. I remember being half-starved all through elementary school [quite literally] but we weren’t really permitted enough time to eat, except at lunch when the only food available was disgusting and completely without nutrition.

On this required backpacking trip we took in high school, the leader of the trip kept insisting that we drink water to cure basically anything. Like, you’ve got a bunch of 16-year-olds, some of whom have zero experience even camping let alone backpacking, wearing weird new clothing we’ve been forced to buy just for

This is so a thing. I was drinking so much water throughout high school that I was actually sick all the time, I think at least partly from overhydration—I drank too much water and ate way too little, and no one even noticed.

Not to mention those drinking fountains were DISGUSTING, at least at my school. It’s no wonder kids get hooked on sodas and juices—that’s what the parents sent us kids to school with, and it was the only thing available.

I think this is where the language of addiction has really screwed us. I mean, obviously addiction to sex is not the same thing as cheating on your spouse or becoming sexually involved with underage individuals. Obviously even people who are addicted to various substances can exert some degree of self-control, right?

The voting rights act did not give black women the right to vote, it took steps to protect Black people against the KKK and other organization preventing them from exercising their rights.

So I’m lying, but I’m also confused and ignorant? mmkay.

I have not-positive feelings about the school including him in the video at all, really. Because like—I doubt they asked any survivors to speak. Even if they did and the survivor said no, they could have had someone read off statistics about how often sexual assault occurs or just in general talked more about the

Trump is like that annoying white guy who raises his hand during discussions of racism in America and is like, “I know it! I have the solution!” then proceeds to say something incredibly inane and stupid and incompetent at being human, and is completely unaware that the entire room has gone silent not in worshipful

So at my university they make all transfer students sit through this series of videos. I kid you not, one of these included an interview with a former student who’d been expelled for raping a classmate.

I like that he’s direct, but isn’t this a bit condescending? Let people hear whatever they want to in the fucking song.

I think that’s pretty fair. I think some people will always [or at least, until they die] try to justify having power over others via whatever language and ideology they can...which generally I think comes down to a belief in the mind dominating the body, one typically found in Judeo-Christian religions.

I know!!! People talk about “Muslims” or whoever wanting to destroy Western civilization, but that is exactly what these folks want! They want to break the law in order to specifically harm innocent civilians!

Yeah, exactly! The KKK definitely ARE terrorists. Yet it’s astonishing what they get away with...except oh right, they’re white.

UM the point to all this is Sanaa Lathan is doing something on tv!!

Yeah, fair. Weren’t they choosing between Israel and some country in Africa, but they decided on Israel?

The Israeli government doesn’t care about the color of the Palestinians’ skin, duh. Not every policy that impacts POC in a negative way is inherently racist. There are POC who live in Israel as citizens, there are POC Jews, and there are POC who are Zionists. People are capable of other motivations than racism when