"Identity has become more important than knowledge." Surely this will be the epitaph for modernity as we slide into another dark age.
"Identity has become more important than knowledge." Surely this will be the epitaph for modernity as we slide into another dark age.
This list is another brainless entry in the Cold Civil War. I am not a Bush apologist (at all), but where are the pop songs decrying Obama's endless drone strikes, or his arming extremists during the failed Arab Spring, or him leaving Iraq to descend into chaos, or his indecisiveness regarding Syria? Obama and Bush…
Your Mr. Redlegs avatar belies some bias (though, a Cincinnati native myself, I think it's a fine town.) Lima, I have to agree is a hellhole. I never really watched Glee, but watched a few episodes after it ended. At the risk of making an understatement, I've never seen a fictional representation of a place as…
We are pretty good at simmering racial tension.
The concept of "white women" as a distinct voting bloc was a Democratic pipe dream. If there was any emerging group voting on identity politics, it would be "white people." If whites are going to be a minority in 2043, it's possible that they will vote like other minorities have. Trump's success proves that this…
"Man, that Trump is a real clown. Free trade and open borders benefit consumers and shareholders, so workers benefit in the long term. Am I right? Is this thing on?" — Anti-Trump Free Market Stand-Up Comedian at What a Joke Fest
Looks like those clowns in Congress did it again! What a bunch of clowns!
I'd definitely load my gun. Fuck Meryl.
That's ridiculous. Chastise Trump for insulting the disabled. It's warranted. But the rest, especially the"football and MMA" comment, is the kind of thing that makes blue collared blood boil.
"Rally the masses"… Nothing like a self-righteous, pompous hollywood celebrity to "rally the masses". That always works!
That happened for about 100 days straight before the election…and it didn't work.
Well, I'm a Trump supporter who doesn't believe BLM is a terrorist organization, but I digress…
This is where the Left needs to work on its rhetoric. "White privilege" is very real, as is systemic and institutional racism. But that doesn't mean that all white people are equally privileged. They need to nuance their message to acknowledge there very real struggles of rural white folks.
"Vote for me, assholes!" —Dem Candidate in 2020 giving a speech in Ohio, probably
Oh my, where do I begin? Virtually every media outlet online and on TV acted like Trump getting elected was the equivalent of Hitler in 1933. Look at the AVClub for starters. Look at the Kate McKinnon Hallelujah dirge on SNL. Every late night talk show host gave a somber, post-tragedy speech. Nearly all of these…
Placing blame at the feet of Obama is stupid. But the media shares some of the blame for enflaming the "All Trump Supporters Are Racists" rhetoric.
Anybody find it ironic that Luther made plans to move to Sweden, one of the whitest countries in the world?
"We would see our bodies not as these natural things but as machines." This about sums up her confused and contradictory thinking. I feel like I lost some IQ points reading this interview.
What job would you have had if you did not become an artist/musician/actor/comedian/etc.?
It will never work if social liberalism is included. Issues like transgender rights (see the Dept of Educ guidance on transgender bathroom use) have moved far too quickly for "middle America" to accept. Same with SJWs, the corporate-university-diversity complex. "Change" is coming far too fast for Middle America. Just…