
I voted for Trump, and I live in Ohio. I strongly disagree with Trump's rhetoric on Mexicans and Muslims. But, I believe there are sufficient checks and balances to prevent these things from happening. I agree with what Mark Shields said: Trump voters take Trump seriously but not literally; liberals take Trump

So, your solution is to call Trump supporters (1) racists/irredeemable; or (2) fucking stupid. Feeling superior is nice, but it doesn't win elections. Go ahead an demonize Trump supporters, but remember that you are doing nothing to prevent a result like the one last Tuesday.

Hitler engulfed the world in a war that killed 100s of millions, and he systematically killed 6 million Jews. Trump made some despicable comments. I guess they are the same thing.

For all the talk of "They Go Low, We Go High," there was a lot of nastiness in the media and on the internet targeted at Trump supporters. Calling half of them "irredeemable" is only a start. All of the insults about the unsophisticated nature and appearance of Trump supporters were not ignored in the voting booth.

John Oliver needs some self-awareness. How many times did he "DESTROY" Trump during the last 12 months? He is one of the loudest voices in the echo chamber, and one that contributed to the alienation of the Trump voter. Trump flipped several counties that voted Obama. Oliver's facile humor and histrionics aren't

I could easily imagine an atheistic group oppressing religious believers to advance secular beliefs. It happened in the Soviet Union. Sure, that was based on communism, not "pure atheism". But it's hard to ignore (1) the clear role atheism played in the development and implementation of communism; and (2) the

This reminded me of Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address where he discussed the Civil War as Divine Providence as the price of our history of slavery:

Yikes. Shenanigans in the state house raiding the pension fund? That's rough. If you get it, take advantage of the tuition reimbursement program. If you don't, you need a new union rep.

That doesn't make $72K rich. If "rich" means some arbitrary number based on income distribution, you are right. If "rich" is related to satisfying needs (housing, childcare, healthcare, transportation, food) or wants (entertainment, sports, etc.), $72K, especially on the coasts, is NOT rich. Frankly, it's not rich

In 1975?

No, it's not. Not even close.

This is misleading. Hillary's supporters are rich or they are poor. So they make nothing, or they make a lot. The median income doesn't tell you much. Trump's $72,000 a year. Even in the industrial Midwest, that is difficult to raise a family on. You buy a, what, $120,000 house? So in a crappy neighborhood with

Respectfully, I think you ignore a common cause. Racial attitudes, immigration policy, and education are all driven by economic class. If you are a working class white person, you are behind left behind economically, you are probably less educated and unable to take advantage of the New Economy, you own a home so

Interestingly, if you rewatch Roger & Me, Trump supporters and Michael Moore would have more in common than not. Moore's original anti-corporate, pro-worker stance is the greatest driving factor behind Trump's working class white supporters. I remember one bit on Awful Truth where Moore asked rich New Yorkers the cost

Good to know world poverty and disease has been eradicated. Now we can focus on fictional problems.

Also, the concept of the 13th Amendment as a subterfuge for slavery is dubious. Did the Jim Crow South essentially ignore the Civil Rights Amendments following Reconstruction? Yes. But that has nothing to do with the drafters' intent. It has more to do with the Union's exhaustion in enforcing civil rights through

On top of old smokey
All covered with blood
I shot my poor teacher with a .44 slug

Poem of the River is fantastic.

Where do you draw the line? If my kid wants to dress as a ninja, or one of Saladin's riders, or a Comanche warrior, is that racist? If my kid is obsessed with a foreign culture and wants to dress in traditional garb, what's the harm? Denigrating and stereotyping is bad, but why is play-acting (especially by

Dear SJWs, we have heard your plea. It was foolish for us to believe that white children should be permitted to be interested in/emulate non-white heroes. We forgot how many racist 8 year olds would flaunt their cultural appropriation on Halloween. Mea maxima culpa. — Walt Disney Co.