
Honestly, the thing that aggravates me the most about this is that I really thought that she was smarter than this.

In the interview she also laments how “they won’t be buying a second house any time soon” and how she is forced to work 70 hour weeks as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs to support their family because of Ted’s $174,000 yearly salary as a senator. 

Innocence? This was not a criminal hearing. Fairness? This is not a playground. This was a continuing job interview for a position that requires the absolute best of the best and Kavanaugh has repeatedly showed himself to not be it. If I were accused of sexual assault, and repeatedly lied and lost my temper during a

Accurate footage of me watching her whole speech. Except my hair is shorter. And I’m not famous.

I also loathe them both, but at least Fischer doesn’t pretend to be anything other than what she is. Sasse tries to speak out of both sides of his mouth, giving long speeches about how much he cares about women and the differently abled, and then voting to fuck them over as much as possible. He’s on par with Trump as

This nightmare man is my senator and HE CAN GO TO FUCKING HELL!

His response to Amy Klobuchar was all I ever needed to know about him. I can’t even put it into words how disgusting it was (how disgusting he is as a human being). This is a man who when faced with pressure will fall on name calling, gaslighting, and mansplaining to talk his way out. Not even talk, just argue until

Everyone failed this girl because he was an “important person,” fuck all of them. I hope she is on the path to recovery and far away from every single person that contributed to this.

Her uncle contacted the local police and county sheriff’s offices, which launched an investigation but closed it after two months”

Man here. Have never worried about my career being destroyed by a rape allegation. Apparently, it’s common for Republicans though.

Their quality was pretty amazing 20+ years ago but fast fashion kind of blindsided them and they adapted very poorly.

Some other choice quotes from the video (which is honestly worth watching in its entirety). Apologies in advance for any typos:

Yeah, I don’t understand letting this rationale slide. 

“Just because I liked it doesn’t necessarily mean that I supported it.”

that’s almost 2 6-figure jobs. and what the fuck is your definition of rich if making more than 90% of households somehow isn’t included in your definition?

By and large, yes, if you do the withholding right and you don’t have investment income or losses. Psychology is weird, though—my father in law loves to over-withhold and get a big refund. You can explain to him that he’s basically giving the government a zero interest loan all day and he won’t care.

Especially the ones making $180K and suffering from economic anxiety.

AMEN. The fact that they are talking about what they think can and can’t win an election with instead of *what they actually believe in* is the entire problem.

SAME. I am a candidate running for office in the midwest. I love Duckworth. But this mealy-mouthed, tepid, timid approach of other Dem candidates and of Dems in power, are driving me to DRINK. I want to go BOLD! But this free-floating fear is real and believe me when I tell you it is not limited to republican men! The

Right?  Hannity had this big bullet point list about her policies and talked about them like they were a bad thing.  I took one look at that list and was like, sounds good to me!