Arguement Barguememt

How do you feel about Billy's Pan Pizza?

In 2011 I got dumped by a girl who only months earlier I had presumed was the greatest person I would ever meet. She dumped me via text message, without even a cursory "It's not you, it's me." Later that same day, and we still hadn't cut off from one another on Facebook, I learned that she was at the movies with a

We'll never be hungry again. Nor will we want to be.

The Daily Mail blames Polish immigants for everything. Even when it was the bears, they knew it was the immigants.

I wanted a Marvel movie AND an Edgar Wright movie. I don't have the time to be a fan of two popular things.

Cheekbones. Very, very sharp cheekbones.

Next up: St Paul Presents A Hebrew Hootenanny.

I dunno, AA only gave that strain a C+

I felt it noteworthy that as a Brit my first exposure to a British band was via American tv. Spacehog were much bigger in the US than the UK, which is unusual.

It's Royston from Spacehog. Video to In The Meantime. Cool song.

Albeit, on reflection, a Northern lad banging Liv Tyler is about all we can hope for Yorkshire rockers. That lad from Arctic Monkeys isn't likely to sleep with anyone cool, contemporary, and deeply hot, is he?

Despite they were nominally a British band, I first saw Spacehog perform on Letterman. I loved - love - In The Meantime and probably have two (both?) their records. But aside from Liv Tyler they never seemed to do anything good again.

So he's not drawing it by hand? Pfft.

I read vol 1 over and over whilst waiting for vol 3 & 3 to be delivered to me. The art and overall design remained lovely but I felt plot points were rushed. Maybe I read them too quickly. I should give them a second go.

Uh … Misty Stone? Missy Stone? I'm helping!

I don't know who any of them blokes are.

Whedon was involved in the production of Cabin In The Woods, is that what you mean? Cabin Fever was Eli Roth. *pedantry*

What a lovely, lovely voice.

Pff, AT&T never streamed a video in it's life.

Speaking of artists of the grandest scope, scale and skill - Gabriel Garcia Marquez died an hour ago.